tobybears8 Posts: 87 Member
I have the DVD with the 4 tapes and I did the 1 mile Easy Walk. Can you tell me how I would track that? Is it 3.5 mph or 4 mph? Just wondering, I want to make sure I am tracking my fitness right.



  • bittaanne
    Someone mentioned in another forum post that it was recommended as aerobics, general
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    tobybears8 wrote: »
    I have the DVD with the 4 tapes and I did the 1 mile Easy Walk. Can you tell me how I would track that? Is it 3.5 mph or 4 mph? Just wondering, I want to make sure I am tracking my fitness right.


    I post my Leslie Sansone Walks under low impact aerobics for the amount of time the walk took. I hope that helps.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    edited January 2015

    Weight Watchers points/MyFitnessPal
    Sorry we have no specific info on how our workouts may fit in with Weight Watchers calculations at this time. For MFP, we recommend using the “Aerobics general” category in their database.

  • drbcru
    drbcru Posts: 85 Member
    I also post them as the low impact.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited February 2015
    On MFP Aerobics General has a higher cal burn.

    Aerobics Low Impact or Walking 4.0 mph have the same calorie burn.

    To discover that go to exercise and log in '30' or '60' minutes' using the different categories to see what mph allots to each based on your profile information.

    To determine mph take 60 minutes and divide by the mile minutes. 60 minutes divided by 15 minute miles = 4 mph.
    60 minutes divided by 12 minute miles = 5 mph.

    So 30 minutes of 2 miles would = a 15 minute mile each (on average) or 4 mph.

    I consistently used Aerobics Low Impact or Walking 4.0 mph for my Walking DVDs unless I knew I used less energy b/c of whatever was going on with me like recovering from illness, and on those days I'd drop to Walking 3.5 or even 3.0 mph.

    I do not have a heart monitor or fitness tracker like FitBit so averaging a DVD to 15 minute miles even if some were less minutes and using Aerobics Low Impact or Walking 4.0 mph like I described above worked for me and I lost my weight.

    If you have a fitness tracker then use the numbers that they give you.

    Hope this helps you. Good question tobybears8.


  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,595 Member
    In the interview MFP had with Leslie, (HelloHealthy blogs, I think sometime last year) Leslie suggested her dvds's be logged under Aerobics, General.

    Everyone's different and I do think if you have a heart rate monitor it would be the best indicator of your efforts but if you don't, I'd go with Aerobics, general.

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,470 Member
    I have recently (i.e. this Christmas) been using an HRM and I have always used (i.e. for 1 1/2 years) "Low Impact Aerobics" for Leslie's walks and when I walked outside, I used the actual walk MPH. So far, the calorie burn is HIGHER on my HRM than MFP says for Leslie's walks and right on for the Walks outside. I am 62 years old, 5'4" tall and weight 135 if that helps to give you a baseline to go by. I am not sure why everyone on MFP says that the calorie burns are too high. I have found them to be either low or right on the dot. Maybe 5'4" is their sweet spot? Anyway, I hope this helps-just keep walking and you will be OK! :-)
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    On MFP Aerobics General has a higher cal burn.

    Aerobics Low Impact or Walking 4.0 mph have the same calorie burn.

    To discover that go to exercise and log in '30' or '60' minutes' using the different categories to see what mph allots to each based on your profile information.

    To determine mph take 60 minutes and divide by the mile minutes. 60 minutes divided by 15 minute miles = 4 mph.
    60 minutes divided by 12 minute miles = 5 mph.

    So 30 minutes of 2 miles would = a 15 minute mile each (on average) or 4 mph.

    I consistently used Aerobics Low Impact or Walking 4.0 mph for my Walking DVDs unless I knew I used less energy b/c of whatever was going on with me like recovering from illness, and on those days I'd drop to Walking 3.5 or even 3.0 mph.

    I do not have a heart monitor or fitness tracker like FitBit so averaging a DVD to 15 minute miles even if some were less minutes and using Aerobics Low Impact or Walking 4.0 mph like I described above worked for me and I lost my weight.

    If you have a fitness tracker then use the numbers that they give you.

    Hope this helps you. Good question tobybears8.


  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    That's very good info, first I put everything under cardio, what did I know. Oops.