Would you rather...

shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
... have a horse that came to you well trained, that you could ride competitively at a high level in your chosen discipline? Or a green horse that you brought on yourself, that might never achieve huge things, but you did it all together?

I have chosen the second - my horse is a rescue, when I got him 2 years ago he was recently gelded and barely handled. I broke him in last year, and am bringing him on slowly now. I don't think we'll quite make the Olympics, but we'll quietly compete at low levels, and hopefully not suck too much!
I love knowing that everything he knows, I've taught him. Maybe it's an ego thing! But it's very gratifying especially when we hit roadblocks, and then move through them and get better together.
Of course, it helps that my coach is one of those almost-Olympic-level riders... but I only see her infrequently, and she's never ridden my boy. In fact, the only other person who's been on him is my beginner boyfriend, for a one-off toddle.

But it would be cool to ride a super-fancy horse occasionally, just to know how it feels, and what to aim for!

What would you prefer?


  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    Definitely one all trained. I know how to ride....I am just not a brave rider and am very happy with a horse that someone else has trained. I get my kudos by being brave enough to get on horseback.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I'd rather have a well trained horse.

    I have 6 kids and a husband; I have all the training work I need already, lol!
  • karenk2f
    karenk2f Posts: 21 Member
    Both. Sometimes I wish I had completely, dog-broke horses. But, I also really enjoy working with them and seeing their 'Aha' moments and watching them develop. Definitely a challenge, though.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm not competetive, so for me, the challenge *is* bringing them on!

    I'd rather have a slightly challenging horse where you get a real feeling of accomplishment when it goes right than a good-as-gold everyman's ride. I realised that when I was riding my friend's old schoolmaster for a while.
  • Irkalla
    Irkalla Posts: 9 Member
    Definitely a difficult one! Old schoolmasters don't challenge me to improve. My new mare, who I'm currently teaching how to trot properly, has strengthened my seat and leg more in a month than the schoolmaster I used to lease did in a year.

    She keeps me on my toes - I can't slack off with her! She pushes me more than any trainer ever has. I can't wait until she's ready to start cantering!
  • luvriden
    luvriden Posts: 52
    Don't know, never had a well trained horse :-) I think I like working with my horses so we get to "know" each other and our quirks.