How much are you wanting to lose?.. Set your targets here :)

My first Target is 2st.


  • slimmerShann
    I want to loose at least 4 stone by end of this year ready for when I get married xx
  • ancad26
    2 stone by 15th march - lost already 4 pounds this week! So excited ! Lovely to be a part of the group!
  • binbons86
    I want to lose a stone and a half, I've lost 6 stone over the last 5 years but this last bit is a bugger to get off and after TTC for 8 months without success it's been suggested that I try to "live cleaner" which can help prepare your body for pregnancy so that's what I'm trying! Good luck everyone :)
  • laura_charlotte
    I want to loose 2st by my anniversary in April
  • claireruss82
    Want to lose 5 stone by july