Week 2 weigh in

SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
Hope everyone had a productive week. I have been doing well on upping my water and I am back down 1.8 this week. Almost back down to my lowest point since starting this journey.


  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,830 Member
    247 this week been sick since before new year so no exercise
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm down a pound and almost back to my lowest too. I did enter a lower weight when I was sick for 3 days but I now don't consider that "real". Feels good to know I may see some new numbers leading the way on my scale soon. For sure I'll see them before this Valentine's Day challenge ends!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm pleased. A good week of logging strictly again plus adjusting from being on vacation and flying and all that before and I'm back to going down instead of just bouncing around (knock on wood!). I'm 1.3 lb below my lowest before this challenge started (my start weight was still somewhat holiday-inflated).
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I am pleased with the progress I have made this past week. I hope that the week ahead is even better!
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    Exciting to hear everyone's progress!

    My scale doesn't work when it's really cold, so I haven't been able to get a reading in days. I've also been so busy and away from the computer that I haven't logged in a couple of days. I have been quite active and eating pretty reasonably. I hope that I can weigh myself in the morning, and that I will be able to report some weight lost. Here's hoping!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Down 1.8 pounds this week, which is exactly my lowest weight before the holidays. I'm thrilled to see "new" weight loss this week!
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    i guess it looks liek i am the only one up this week by a pound.. not sure where i went wrong. i just switched to watching carbs and look where it gets me and i have been working out
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    I didn't have a gain, but didn't loose either. We've had good luck on the decluttering though! My 15 yo boys cleaned one of their rooms, and their shared bathroom. Got a bunch of dishes/laundry/recycling done, they had a full lawn bag full of trash, shower and sink got scrubbed, AND the floor was so clean they vacuumed! I'm "encouraging" them to work on the other bedroom and the closet today!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    I'm still at 220. I haven't weighed but just listed the same weight. I've joined the Weight Watchers At Work program through employer. First weigh in is on the 14th and then weigh in every Wednesday after that for ten weeks. I'm hoping that joining that program will help me stay on track since I have to weigh in with someone else instead of at home where I tend to make excuses.
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    I've been 150 +/- 2 lbs for months now....so it's time to mix it up! I'm pledging to run 10 miles this week, and drink only 4 beers. This will be tough because it's cold, and rainy, and I have a couple of social functions coming up. My Valentines goal weight is the point between healthy and overweight BMI - and I'm going to kick its butt.
  • LittleMy2014
    LittleMy2014 Posts: 103 Member
    No change for me.
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    I am up ... boo. I definitely need to get my eating of sugary treats in check. I know I have been overeating - and choosing some unhealthy snacks.
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    I am down one pounds.
  • classysassy4ever70
    classysassy4ever70 Posts: 765 Member
    I am down 6 pounds this week. I had the gain last week. So hopefully it will continue on the downward end.
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    down one pound from last week
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    ugh. Going in the wrong direction...still. Since the start of this challenge, I have gone from 206 to 209 pounds (BUT, overall up from 194 when I derailed from weight loss completely a few months ago). Time to flip that momentum. Logging, eating below or even at calories, and getting off my butt and going back to the gym (haven't been since Halloween) might be a good start...ya think? :(
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    A good start for sure. You can try to fix you small goals to reach one by one until you're back on track for good.

    Baby steps, but you know that slow and steady win the race.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I agree with Daiva--if it makes it easier maybe set one main goal a week. Like this week focus on logging carefully and staying in your calories, and when you feel like that's back again add in an exercise goal. Sometimes it's easier for me to give myself a break on one thing while being very strict about something else until it seems natural again.

    My weight is fluctuating some, but I seem to be down about a pound this week (more for this challenge, I think, just based on when the check in dates fell).
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    Yeah...I have decided that I will get my eating under control first. Then, next week add in exercising at home (with the exception of doing any Hogwart's challenges that need to be done before then), and then the week after that venturing back to the gym where I will probably pass out trying to do Zumba again. :)
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    Well...got off my butt. Went for a 2 mile walk with my 4 year old in the "not too bad" cold (36... wind chill 30). It was fun. :)