MS and Feet?

Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
Does anyone have problems with the circulation in their feet - and corns that just never go away no matter what you do? Is this an MS thing or just me?


  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I have circulation type issues in my legs & feet.Issues with numbness & tingling & such. But no issues with corns have you tried going to a podiatrist? Have you spoken to your doctor regarding this? They may have a good suggestion to help you.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I guess the dr is my next step - this corn has been there and gone and back again since October. I always feel like I'm wasting a doctor's time with something so small. But I guess after 8 months its not small anymore.
  • I've had lots of problems with my legs and feet. I discovered this winter that taking a supplement of potassium gluconate helps a lot. I get 'stone' legs a lot and I'll be walking around like I've got robot legs... thunk thunk thunk thunk. And an hour or so after taking potassium I'm bending my knees and pivoting like a normal person. I went to a podatrist this winter to have her check out my feet. She gave me some diabetic socks to sample since I told her I never wear socks because it feels like the signals from my brain to my feet get shut off if I wear socks. Anyhow, I tried the diabetic sock which were thigh high with compression and those helped a ton. Without those socks I'd take a walk and never really feel all that sure footed. I needed the walls around me 'just in case'. Then I got those socks and for whatever reason they really helped me feel like I was walking as I did prior to getting MS. Anyhow, both are kind of simple cheap ideas you might try?
  • I havent had circulation problems but Ive gotten planters warts on one foot,and lots of them,takes forever to get rid of them and they keep coming back.