Zip vs One

bree_cda Posts: 4 Member
I just bought a flex but think I want to exchange it for a clip style. Other than the sleep monitoring and battery is there much difference between the two


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2015
    I had a Flex and now have the One, the One logs floors climbed - not something I personally care about but some might find it useful. The battery also lasts 2 weeks between charges, rather than around 6 days with the Flex. The sleep monitoring I liked to begin with but as I sleep like a log I don't bother wearing it in bed any more. The One isn't handy for that as nothing to clip it to in bed lol!

    I do like that I can clip it onto my bra and its hidden, for me thats a BIG plus :) The Flex band was ok for during the day but not that becoming with a nice outfit on :-D
  • richkud
    richkud Posts: 10 Member
    Not having to charge the zip repetitively is nice. Three months in and it reports a full charge yet. I usually log 12k-15k steps a day so it is getting used all day too. The zip has worked well for me. As a guy I wear it on the rim of my front pants pocket. Only twice in 3 months have I forgotten it behind on my morning walks. I don't worry about the sleep monitoring because getting to bed early enough is more my concern than how well I sleep once I get there.
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    I've had both and like the battery in the zip. It's replaceable and lasts about 3 months. The one requires recharging, but it's not every day. I get a week or two from mine.
    The one tracks stairs/ hills and it gives me an extra way to evaluate the effort I've put in each day.
    I have the one now and have come to rely on the stair tracking far more than I expected.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    I had the Zip, but I had terrible luck with battery life (I had four different Zips and the same issue with each one--in a matter of weeks the battery would die with no warning), so I returned it and got the One and I much prefer it. Though it cost more, I think with not having to buy a new battery every few months you make up the difference quickly.