Exercise, lifting, and calorie intake!

amylhatch5 Posts: 51 Member
Hey friends,

Do you all up your calories on days you work out? I want to start working with a trainer, but the one I talked to was shocked by how little calories I eat. Obviously she doesn't understand our surgery. She said that my body is too weak to start lifting weights from eating so little, and I could hurt myself.

My goal is to start lifting regularly along with cardio to tone up and to get strong. My doctor says yes increase my calories, but he didn't say how much. What do you all do? Right now my doctor has me at 700-900 calories a day. My trainer says she is at 1800 even while prepping for a contest. That seems outrageous to me because I eat half that, but what do I know. Lol

Please comment and let me know what you think or what you do yourself! :)
