Pregnant Women!!

bryannakay Posts: 198 Member

We just found out that we are pregnant and due in August. I want to start by saying I KNOW I NEED TO SPEAK WITH MY DOCTOR....don't worry, that is all taken care of ;) What I am wanting from you is to hear from any ladies who still did 5X5 for any part of their pregnancy. What worked for you and what didn't? How long did you continue lifting? Or did you quit?

Thank you!


  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    edited January 2015
    Congrats!!! Each pregnancy is different, so I would advise speaking with your doctor before making a decision.

    My experience: I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant. I was doing strong lifts and had been progressing well; only stall was on OHP at 70lbs. After speaking with my Dr (who is also a woman who lifts), I was advised to reduce the amount of weight, but increase the reps. She encouraged me to lift in the 10-12 rep range. Less than a week later, I had some significant issues and was told "no lifting." I have continued to walk, ride stationary bike, light cardio DVDs, prenatal yoga and pilates. On 12/26/14, I was cleared for lifting, but no more than 20 lbs. Since then, I've been working with 10lb dbs, 20lb kb, and a small bar and plastic plates like you find in aerobics classes. I've been aiming for 3 sessions per week, but if I don't get them in, ehh whatever. Everything shifts around to accomodate the bodysnatcher, so you will be standing differently and your posture may change. As your belly grows, your center of gravity shifts, so you may need to change things to make it feel ok. The light cardio, yoga, and pilates feels the best for me presently.

    Interestingly, one of the female powerlifters I follow on IG is also preganant. She is still killing it. So, talk to your Dr and go by how you feel. Now is not the time to push yourself, you're building a human :smile: