Welcome To Summer Sopranos

theparnellssean Posts: 637 Member
Welcome Criminals!!

Let us utilize this group for support, motivation, weight loss, and friendship. We will resume the official Sopranos Challenge in September. I would to throw in an occasional weigh in, some challenges, and some brainstorming together as a "family" to make the Sopranos challenge September the best and most efficient one yet. Please keep an eye on the posts and feel free to give comments, suggestions, etc. This is OUR group!!!!

The Don


  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    alright fellow Sopranos...
    my SW for summer is 220.6....I'm aiming to lose 20 lbs by 9/15thish....so - this is just my own Soprano thing...keeping it real with the fam...have a good one ya'll
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    My goal this summer is to get out of the 180's. I've been"floating" between 185 and 182 for the last four months so I'm going to really concentrate on getting past that and getting into the 170's. When that happens, I'm going to reevaluate my goals. Going I can do this!
  • Tymeshia
    Tymeshia Posts: 194 Member
    My goal is to get out of 170's and enter the 160's. Get involve with some gym classes and have fun!
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    Personally I would like to lose about 5-10.....I would like to mention when we start up in September there needs to be some consistant way for the captains to report.....I think the most frustrating thing was trying to get people to report in. There should be some limit as to how often you miss before you are whacked. I think it would give people more motivation for this challenge
  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    My goal is to go from the upper 180's down to the mid 170's by September.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    My summer SW is 188.8 my goal is to get down to 175 by September. Also its my challenge to personally stay in touch with each and every team member that has kept up with the challenge since April for the entire summer so I can whip them into shape for the September kick off!!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I really need to work on more consistency! I am shouting it from the roofs for like 2 month now and I seem not be able to keep up a regular schedule and I cannot seem to find the reason for it...

    I really hope to be in the early 170th after these summer I am currently somewhere in the 182 area!
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    my goal is to lose 50 pounds. I currently weigh 214 trying to get around 165.
  • cbo1o
    cbo1o Posts: 55 Member
    SW 181.... I really want to get in the 170s....
  • kkmonroe79
    kkmonroe79 Posts: 71 Member
    My goal is to get in the best shape possible, before my first 5K, September 7. I will be more consistent with my logging in and keeping in touch. I look forward to doing the challenges and weigh in's! :)
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    I'm at 146 and my goal is to drop 6 pounds.
  • theparnellslisa
    theparnellslisa Posts: 390 Member
    My current weight is 184, my goal is to lose 2 pounds per week this summer. My short term goal is to get below 180!! That will feel amazing!!
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    I am at 331.0. My goal is to lose 5 lbs a month over the summer. I really want to get below 320. Let's go =)
  • Salty510
    Salty510 Posts: 121 Member
    I weighed in at about 220 and I want to be in the 190's by September. Also, on a more personal note, I'd like to have more core strength so I can get up from the floor without using my hands. This is part of my freshmeat intake skills test and it's my biggest weak spot right now.

    Does Summer Sopranos have capo's?
  • mudflatmabel
    mudflatmabel Posts: 138 Member
    I'm on vacation now, and there is no scale. When I left home, I was at 238, but with what I have been eating lately, I would put my weight back at 241. I will be back home next week, and will be able to get back into my regular gym routine. My goal is to be as close to 220 as I can get by September 15! I have been stuck in the upper 230's, and lower 240's for at least a month, and this vacation isn't helping! I could be doing a lot worse, though!
    Good luck everyone, and have a great summer!
  • info_nrs
    info_nrs Posts: 102 Member
    I think I need to forget about the scale and concentrate on being CONSISTENT!!!! I work out, I hit a goal and then ---DONE. It's as if I think I can quit the healthy lifestyle. And then I'm back where I started from---and forget about not liking how my clothes fit, it's now affecting my health. This has to quit. I need to get in shape for myself, my health, and not to mention the upcoming races I want to enter (my last one was a NIGHTMARE!!!) and stick with it!!!!
  • theparnellslisa
    theparnellslisa Posts: 390 Member
    Summer weigh in 184 current weight 183 I am 4 pounds away from my short term goal and 17 pounds away from my August 9th goal!!:)
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    ***Breaking News*** for any of you that followed the Sopranos show..."Sopranos" star James Gandolfini died today, at age 51. Leaves behind a wife and infant daughter.... so sad... Remember that life is a gift, and we all have just one body to live in...cherish it, feed it well.. and take care of it... tomorrow is promised to no one...