Charge HR Exercise tracking Vs MFP Exercise tracking



  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Quick question: do you guys go by the calorie goal that MFP set for you (or that you set if you follow TDEE method)? Or do you go by what Fitbit says you should eat? I know that if you set your own calorie goal, then Fitbit won't show you the CICO gauge.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm on day three with my charge HR. I've tried logging exercise on both fitbit and MFP. I've tried only fitbit. Neither are ideal.

    Logging in both places, FitBit with the button activation on the unit, and MFP manually with time indicator, has the entry showing up twice in my FitBit dashboard. Makes sense since it was logged twice.

    Logging only on FitBit does not credit my calories properly. Yesterday, I had a calorie burn of 195 calories and FitBit credited me with only 19 calories on MFP.

    Tomorrow I will try only MFP. I'm hoping I will still get a decent heart rate break down on my FitBit dashboard once I enter the proper times. We shall see.

    Sorry, that isn't doing what you think it's doing, it's not double logging when you make an activity, it merely separates the stats for viewing later.

    The calorie adjustment is NOT just exercise calories. It's the difference between Fitbit's report of total daily burn, and MFP's estimate of daily burn without exercise.
    If you burned 195 in exercise, and adjustment was only 19, then it means you moved less for rest of the day then MFP estimated you'd burn.

    Some people can have such a hard workout and burn so much - they are super lazy rest the day compared to normal - no adjustment.
    - Or no exercise and super active - big adjustment.

    Log it on Fitbit or MFP if non-step based workout. Otherwise leave it alone and don't log.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Quick question: do you guys go by the calorie goal that MFP set for you (or that you set if you follow TDEE method)? Or do you go by what Fitbit says you should eat? I know that if you set your own calorie goal, then Fitbit won't show you the CICO gauge.


    And if you manually do a TDEE deficit method - you need to unsync accounts, and just use the Fitbit TDEE to do your math on for manually setting your eating goal.
  • oxlisaxo91
    oxlisaxo91 Posts: 67 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Quick question: do you guys go by the calorie goal that MFP set for you (or that you set if you follow TDEE method)? Or do you go by what Fitbit says you should eat? I know that if you set your own calorie goal, then Fitbit won't show you the CICO gauge.

    I just got a fitbit Charge HR today (so a total noob!) and would also like to know the answer to this please! :blush:
    On MFP I've been following my own TDEE and macro goals. Should I change this and now manually add in my exercise calories via the fitbit?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    oxlisaxo91 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Quick question: do you guys go by the calorie goal that MFP set for you (or that you set if you follow TDEE method)? Or do you go by what Fitbit says you should eat? I know that if you set your own calorie goal, then Fitbit won't show you the CICO gauge.

    I just got a fitbit Charge HR today (so a total noob!) and would also like to know the answer to this please! :blush:
    On MFP I've been following my own TDEE and macro goals. Should I change this and now manually add in my exercise calories via the fitbit?

    Many threads in this group answer your questions already, and actually just read through the responses in this topic already given - answers your questions.