Points Rewards - Better Explanation!

Okay, it sounds like a few people were confused as to how this was going to work, so here goes...

Daily Challenges will remain the same... Morning Stretches, Calories Earned/Under, Evening Stretches. You earn one point for each of these completed, for a total of three points per day, or 21 points per week.

Weekly Challenges will change every week. They will be vague (i.e. Cabin Cleaning Day where you can choose whatever it is you want to clean and count it) and adaptable (i.e. one camper may choose to do this activity on Monday, while another may complete it on Friday). You earn one point for each weekly activity you complete for a total of seven points per week.

Weigh In Challenge... If you lose weight, you earn two points; if you remain the same, you earn one point. You earn an additional one or two points.

Total possible points you may earn 21 + 7 + 2 = 30.

There will be a checkoff sheet you can print out to make keeping track easier. You should post under the Discussion for the Weekly Challenges for that week, telling us what you did; you can do this daily or once a week, as long as it is under the correct heading. Once a week you will check in with your Counselor and let them know your weight, the weekly challenges you completed, and the total points you earned. If it's easier for you to type in the online form and send it to your counselor that is fine; or you can email them your results...whichever is easier for you.

Of course, we will be supporting each other throughout the week. And perhaps I'll throw in a surprise challenge every now and then. But the object of only having to check in once a week is to make this easier for people whose summer schedules are intense making check ins more difficult. We'll be looking to see which Cabin steps up to the challenges each week, each month and for the entire summer. We'll also be looking to see which Camper steps up to the challenges each week, each month, and for the entire summer.

Hope this clears things up. :)

Happy camping!

Camp Director,
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