Yowzers! Funerals mess with your head.

Timmo311 Posts: 2 Member
I spent the weekend out-of-town, in a hotel in the hometown of my wife, whose father passed away last week. This little city is known for its Swiss baking, cooking and eating traditions. True to form, it was difficult to resist, and with the emotional tugs and lots of down-time, and... Well. I could have managed my food better, however I was able to keep the tendency to binge-eat at bay.
Back on my food plan today. Moving forward.


  • RBTC
    RBTC Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry for your loss, I know being out of town is never easy, with the added stress makes it even more difficult.. I must commend you for your restraint!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Sorry to hear about your father in law, Tim... and I'm glad to see you're back.