Back to Square 1- Regular Meals

I think one of the biggest problems with the college life style as far as food goes is because able to eat when ever you want and as much as you want. A snack here a snack there, a couple study break snacks.... group of friends are going to dinner at 4:30... sure you'll join right in... another group goes at 6... why not.... Eating many extra meals a deal and snacking constantly sure do begin to add up, as I am sure many people have realized in their freshman 50. The hard part about summer is getting out of that. You maybe sitting at home with nothing to do so you grab a bag of chips and surf the web before you know it it is gone. Mom and Dad say its dinner time an hour later and your not hunger but guess what you will be in a couple more hours, so you start snacking again.
Here is the challenge, get back to eating regular healthy meals again and try to cut out the continuous snacks. You will see your calorie count drop dramatically. Also if you are living on your own this summer plan out your meals for the day and then stick to it. The little extra help will work wonders.