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Pinkpedals Posts: 26 Member
Please friend me. I had gastric bypass in 2001.. Ive gained a lot of wt back. Lets help each other.


  • ThintasticSpirit
    ThintasticSpirit Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Rose! Feel free to friend me if you wish! I am new to the group by 10 yrs out from my RNY. Trying to get myself back on the losing wagon again too!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi Rose: Just know I feel your pain. I had my VSG in 2011 and put on 50lbs.
    I went back to basic lost the 50 and have now lost an additional 30. Know that it is still possible.
    I wish you all the best!
  • 178lbs
    178lbs Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Rose. I have sent you a friend request. :)
  • JennifersKeeney
    JennifersKeeney Posts: 11 Member
    Please feel free to add me too Y'all! I'm struggling with regain too. I'm looking for friends and support.
  • katt0628
    katt0628 Posts: 58 Member
    I had bypass in 2012 and got under my goal weight by 7lb just to start eating stupid again and have gained close to 25. Looking for some support so feel free to friend me!
  • susabeannee
    susabeannee Posts: 14 Member
    I had rny bypass in 2010. I'm having a 10 pound creep and trying to nip it right. now.
  • witchingmoon
    witchingmoon Posts: 13 Member
    I had my bypass 2011 and have put back on 5st after 2 pregnancy in last couple of years. Need to get back to pre pregnancy weight.
  • BrandyLP34
    BrandyLP34 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, i'm new to the group and as of last month i'm 10 years out from having my bypass. I'm working on losing the regain i've had. I'm down 30 pounds since Sept. and making changes to some bad habits I had prior to surgery that crept back in and new ones that developed.

    Just curious about what things/situations caused everyone's regain? Since everyone is different.
  • sweetthang265
    sweetthang265 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I had surgery 11 years ago this May, I know my weight regain was STRESS, I had lost 110 but have gained 50 of those back. I went from 330 to 222 and know I'm 262. I got married, divorced and lost 2 loved ones all in the last 5 years. My problem was pleasing everyone but me. I use to do water aerobics 2-3 days a week and loved it but my fiance asked me to stop losing weight and I knew it was wrong but I did it and I just went downhill from that. But it's a new year and new me so I'm taking baby steps starting today on my goal to lose 80 pounds. :)
  • scatterdglas
    scatterdglas Posts: 11 Member
    I had gastric back in 2004. Lost about 200lbs. 420 to below 220. Reached my heighest regain about 2 weeks ago at 310. It was a wakeup call to say the least. The other day I was I'm on the right track. Just have to continue pushing exercise more and more! Im going to the gym averaging about 3 days a I need to up my cardio. Walking,hiking, etc.
    Feel free to friend me!! Good luck to you!
  • trudylea68
    trudylea68 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to be more active in this group. I had RNY in 2006. My highest weight was 357 and I got to 171 after surgery. Like everyone says, life happened. My husband went into kidney failure and had to be put on dialysis. I let my focus slip and I gained. All the way back up to 307. I have since been logging my food and going back to eating right and lost a little over 20 of that. I've also started exercising again. Feel free to add me - anyone. We can do this again! Never give up!