Challenge steps not matching dashboard?

paradis1231 Posts: 3
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
My step count in my challenge does not match what I see on my dashboard. How can I update?


  • Aaralyn631
    Aaralyn631 Posts: 1 Member
    I just noticed this as well. My challenge step count is higher than my dashboard.
  • paradis1231
    Aaralyn631 wrote: »
    I just noticed this as well. My challenge step count is higher than my dashboard.

    Mine is the opposite by about 4,000. I need to correct this, my husband thinks he is kicking my butt! lol
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Any manually logged activity on Fitbit that calculates steps (walking and running) shows as steps to you, but doesn't count towards challenges.

    Did you do that perhaps?

    Incoming workouts from syncs don't carry steps, it merely replaces calories, so that's not it.