June goals



  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Start my new lifting program. I will only be adding weight once a week so progression will be slower.

    Squats: Start deloaded @ 110 for back squat weeks, start @ 75 for Front squat weeks - End at 120 for back 85 for front
    Bench: Start deloaded @ 95 - continue to work on powerlifting form and work on incorporating the required pause at the chest. - End at 115
    OHP: Start @ 70 - continue to work on form with narrower grip - End at 85
    Deadlift: Start deloaded @ 150 - continue to work on form - End at 180

    Cardio to include a 2 mile interval or static state run, 1 km rowing sets (2-4), and HIIT on non-lifting days.

    Add accessory lifts to all days.

    I guess my over arching goal for June is to continue to develop in the lifts with form, power, and explosiveness using progressive loads, accessory lifts, and alternating tempos.

    I think I hit my general goal. I am enjoying my variation on lifting, but I may mix it up a little in July since I now have a Powerlifting meet in my future. I missed most of my Thursday workouts for various life reasons, but still managed to get the lifting in on Saturdays.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    1. don't miss a minamlist stronglift session (just started Saturday) - Now on proper stronglifts thanks to squat rack & bench so HURAHHH
    2. eat well - natural & unproccessed where I can (lots of meat/veg/eggs/fruit/natural yoghurt)
    Kinda - god darn you dark chocolate & white magnum bars
    3. don't look at the scales for at least 2 weeks
    MASSIVE FAIL - but on the plus side - my weight isn't bothering me at all which is teh first time in years! so kinda HURAHHH
    4. Give myself a high 5 if I manage the above 3 :-)
    No high five :-(
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Okey dokey - my turn

    Weights 3 times a week - no excuses
    Swim or run at least 2 days a week
    Purchase some fractional weight plates so I can progress more consistently
    Continue to work on my form - particularly deadlifts and rows.
    Figure out what's going on food wise - find a calorie /macro amount to produce some more fat loss.

    Stay positive and keep my eye on the prize - the prize being feeling strong and awesome!

    Didn't make it to the gym 3 x a week, every week - but I have been getting there twice, at a minimum
    I have been running on average once a week - need to get back in the pool, but my shoulder is acting up so it will need to wait a bit.
    I did get some fractionals and because of them was able to progress on a couple of lifts.
    Form - still needs work - particularly squats and rows at my working weight,
    Food - chilling out about this. I still feel like I'm losing fat. I don't think it is possible for me to get a lot more protein in - I will need be satisfied with the lower end of my target. I like my carbs too much to reduce them any further.
