i need help

I'm 14 years old, i'm 5"8 and i had my periods for like 2 years now. I gained 10 POUNDS in 3 months. I was 130 pounds in november and now i'm 140 pounds in January. I love food and i eat junk food when i'm bored which is unhealthy. I am freaking out right now because if my mom finds out i'm 140 pounds, she is going to freak. If she thought i was fat when i was 130 pounds, i can just imagine her reaction when she finds out i'm 140 pounds


  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    In the long run your weight loss efforts will be much easier with the support of your family, especially if you are living at home (since you're 14 I'm going to assume you do) I'd suggest talking to your mom and tell her how you feel and that you want to make a change to be healthier and go back to your comfortable weight.
  • ssharpen
    Totally agree with the above post, you need the support of your family and friends but you have to ask for it and tell them you want help from them. Good luck and don't be too harsh on yourself :)