Weekly Baby Steps - Week Starting 26 Jan 2014

aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
Let's support each other with our baby step goals.

Here are mine for this week!
Since I have not yet learned some of last week's goals, I am repeating a couple of them:
  1. Eat three balanced meals per day
  2. Eat to my minimum calorie goals before exercise
  3. See dietician/doc about sodium related issues
  4. Exercise 5 hours minimum, including walking, at least one swim and another Park Run depending on doc/dieticians recommendations

Come join us and post your weekly baby steps below!


  • NEKrebel
    NEKrebel Posts: 35 Member
    Finally figured out where my group invites were :) My goal this week is to stop the evening binging. I will plan a healthy snack and eat only that.