Advice for all

101sal Posts: 43 Member
Below is a copy of a post on my profile today, please,please,please always wear a helmet!

Hi all, very glad to be typing this today. Knocked off my bike cycling yesterday, No. 1 son went over his handlbars too trying to avoid me as i was leading. Just some bruised ribs, cuts and bruising and a banged up elbow for me. Luke just a few cuts and bruises. Bike is probably beyond repair, the paramedics had to cut off my jacket but fortunately we were both wearing helmets, but for that I probably wouldn't be here now, i had a very, very, lucky escape. Going to be a while before i can train again but gonna keep logging, and i did manage to get 12kms in yesterday before the accident. If you do cycle please wear a helmet every time you go out, even a five minute trip to the local shops. It doesn't matter if you think you look silly or "uncool"... mine saved me from serious injury or worse! Keep safe, Shane

I was so very lucky, I landed on the back of my head and my helmet did it's job. I could have made my wife a widow yesterday and left my boys without a Dad, please think of your loved ones.



  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    Glad you and your son are OK mate and hope you can get back to training soon after such a bad accident. Unfortunately no matter how many precautions are taken, unless other road users are as cautious then there is always the danger of being hit.
    Well done on ensuring you had a helmet on hun, I hope that you and your kids never have to go through anything like it again. All the best x