Who Are You & What Have You Got To Lose?



  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Chavon. Our big day is May 17, 2014!! I'm currently 201 lbs and I'd like to lose 50 lbs. I'm going dress shopping in July. I'm so nervous! I've been trying to eat more healthy but exercise is my biggest struggle. I'm always afraid people are watching me at the gym. And I get so discouraged because I can barely jog 1 minute without having to stop. But I'm going to get over it and push myself because I truly want to live a healthier lifestyle...not just for the wedding.

    We all have to start somewhere! And never think anyone is judging you at the gym they are all too busy trying to get their workout on too. Be proud that you are taking the initiative. I felt that way when I started in January. I did a class and failed miserably at all the exercises but you know what? It's now June and I nail every single one of those moves and then some. I've lost 21lbs and I can't believe how quickly the time has passed and how amazing I feel.. Just stick with it and change it up every once in a while and you will not regret it trust me!
  • hgaspard83
    hgaspard83 Posts: 66 Member
    We are geing married in March 2014, I have 18 pounds left to lose untill my goal weight , I think I want to lose more, but not trying to put a lot of pressure on. I have a full time job as a nurse and a 18 month old, LOL so i am really busy!! Good Luck Everyone !!!