Develooers and QA Help!!! Robot Framework

triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
I admit to my unskilled noobness and beg for the help of anyone who will listen.

My company has decided to join the current century and is moving to automated testing. We have a massive configurable web application with a nearly infinite number of configurations and none of us has any formal training in automated testing. The CEO wants test for everything written yesterday. I have the normal computer skills of a moderately well trained monkey and I am fumbling my way through this by the power of Google.

I have come to a spot that I cannot get around.

On the user creation page there is a required field for certain users (school nurses) that forces you to assign them a school .

The field is disabled for text and forces you to "click to select" which brings up a new window where you should be able to search for the school you wish to assign.

This works great when I do it manually but the second I try to do it with automation the window pops up and sends me to a "You must first log in" page. I am logged in, the browser is the same, my cookies are on the lowest security setting but no matter how I access this link it errors on me.

Does anyone know a way around this or something else I can try?


  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    what automation software are you using?
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Robot Framework
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Not used Robot framework but sounds like it is clicking some other element within that page. If been written using a record method of some kind (record actions and it auto creates the script). Then might need to edit script so that it make sure it selects that element.

    Not much help as not used robot framework but it might give you a start..
