Weight Gain while on Fitness Plan

claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
Question: So I have been working out really hard doing water aerobics 3 times a week and strength training 3 times a week. I am 6 months post VSG and last week I gained 1.6lbs. I am not on my period. Any thoughts? I am continuing with the same work out this week and will see what the scales says this Saturday.


  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    I'm also doing water aerobic and strength training. I expect my weight loss to stall and like you maybe gain a little. At this point we are replacing lost muscle and muscles are heavier than fat. So even though the scale is not reflecting the change in our bodies were building the fat burning machine that will provide maintenance in the future.

    Keep up the good work

    Randy RN
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Using muscles heavily for the first time will always cause water weight gain for 1-3 weeks.
    Ignore it - totally worth it. DOnt judge movement on the scale for at least a few weeks after any new exercise style you start.

    Even now, after a year and a half of weight lifting, if I am sore the next day I will also be up a pound in water to go with it. It always goes back down. When I first started I gained nearly 5 pounds over the first 2 weeks, then whoosh - down 6-8 pounds a month for the next four months (after gaining/stalling for a year).

    Keep moving :)
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks aylajane & ac7nj
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Take measurements and use clothes to also assess your progress. That helps me when the scale gets stuck. You can also track % body fat and it should show your changes as you build muscle.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    From what I have read, it is very difficult to actually gain muscle while at a caloric deficit. My focus is to use my muscles in order to reduce the muscle loss that comes with significant weight loss. I am trying to spend more of my gym time lifting. I have definitely seen a reduction in what I can lift versus pre-surgery, and I believe it is a combination of lower caloric energy available and muscle loss. My goal is to use my muscles enough to get my body to burn fat rather than muscles when it goes looking to make up the deficit.
