WEIGHT LOSS TIP - Don't Diet Separate from your family

There is nothing that will alienate yourself and cause you to hate your diet than eating differently than your entire family. Cooking separate meals, preparing different dishes...it will be not only time consuming and frustrating, but you will begin to dislike your new way of eating when everyone else is eating the way you used to.

I often tell my clients that success is going to come when you can get the whole family involved. Yes, this will take some time, prep work, and a little experimentation, but losing weight is more about being healthy, and when you can teach the entire family to eat healthy too (and enjoy it), everybody wins.

The goal to healthy nutrition is not to "diet". That is often a temporary solution psychologically. Instead, we are going to "eat healthier". That is all. You no longer eat certain foods because it does not match your lifestyle. Now getting the rest of the family on board might seem daunting, but truthfully, it is just a matter of finding what you all enjoy and like that doesnt come in a box or loaded with butter and cheeses.

Most families only cycle through 5-7 of the same meals. Think about what you normally cook for your family. Odds are, you are repeating meals often. Simple is what we strive for. So when changing out your normal go-to meals, we just need to replace them with something that is 1) easy to prepare 2) easy to find the ingredients (they are readily available in most stores) 3) tastes great 4) everyone loves it.

Sure, this can be a challenge and will require some experimenting with new healthy foods, but you won't get ANY complaints about the new diet if the family finds the food amazing and delicious. One of the foods that a lot of my clients make is my Chicken Cacciatore recipe (posted previously) and that has become a staple in peoples healthier eating habits.

I am running a FREE Real Food challenge starting Monday on FB if you want to jump in and get a week's worth of meal plans, recipes, and a shopping list of clean and delicious foods. I am also working on a challenge for MFP as well, but it is taking me a little time. If you want in, send me a friend request and PM me.

Hope this post helps! Got Questions? Ask them below.