Season One Results!

akenesson Posts: 88 Member
~ Week 10 Results ~


First and foremost, Week 10... With Memorial Day weekend, it appeared to primarily be a maintenance week for everyone involved... Team one fared the best with modest losses... With the week's award going to SpongeBex on Team Two making goal, and losing 1 pound!

Now for the moment we've all been waiting for... the Finale!!!

~ Season One Results ~

The entire spreadsheet of all weeks is available here... I recommend everyone take a peek!

But for the abbreviated stats, look below:


You can see that in the end, it was QUITE close between Team 1 and Team 2!!! It certainly came down to the wire, and Week 10 could have made a HUGE difference... The two teams were only 4 pounds away from a complete swing in stats (both in Total Lost, and in Total from Goal)... As it stands now, I think its clear that I have to declare Team Slimpossible the winner... Congratulations!!!

That said I think we're all winners here... We've kept each other honest, and as a result 59.3 pounds are no longer present between the 13 of us, we've made some new friendships, and strengthened some old ones... I wish everyone the best of luck in their weightloss goals, and wish continued success and fortification for those continuing on to Season Two!!! Thank you all for making this season a successful one!

For those on Team Slimpossible I'm having certificates made for your success, and if your willing to give me an address (which I solemnly swear only to use for this purpose) I'll mail them out ASAP!!!


  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    Great job Team 2!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Congrats to everyone and especially Slimpossible!
  • learose26
    learose26 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeay team 2 :) well done all, great team effort! But well done to the other team members you all did really well on losses! Hope to see some of you for round two :) x