
run_abeo Posts: 14 Member
Feel free to be as honest as you'd like here. No judgements, just kindness and support.


  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    edited February 2015
    My Dad was mildly bipolar but mostly depressed & mentally domineering. I've been pretty much depressed my whole life, but not diagnosed until adulthood. Medication (SSRI) has helped a great deal in terms of being very high functioning and successful at work, but now I'm committed to bringing a deeper sense of health to all areas of my life, including fitness, diet and sexuality. My wife and I are starting a trial separation and I will be moving out this week. It tears me up to leave our two kids, my wife, and our beautiful home, and I know it will be very lonely at times, but I will be spending as much time with my kids as possible and doing everything I can to reconcile with my wife, if that is possible. I appreciate the support and honesty of a group of people struggling to be healthy in all areas of life.
