Tracking while pregnant

Ladies...are you using the maintenance mode for tracking calories during pregnancy or are you still in a losing weight section? I am trying to figure out which to use so that I remain a healthy weight during pregnancy.


  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Hi! Congrats to you by the way!! I went to visit a nutritionist/dietician today at the clinic I am going to while pregnant. I am currently 195 pounds and 12 weeks pregnant. I have lost 2 pounds since being pregnant and the doctor told me that I am doing very well. She is expecting about 15 pound weight gain total for my pregnancy.....anyway...I set my goals at 1 pound loss and was at 1650. She said that is way too low. She put me at 1900 and 2000. She said any lower and I am not providing enough for the baby.

    You should contact your doctor and see if you could meet with a nutritionist as well. It was a great appointment for me!! Also, if you are planning on breastfeeding, after the baby is born, you will need to go up even more in calories just to maintain the nutrition and endurance for producing milk. She said most women are in "losing baby weight" mode when in reality, its still about the baby.

    Sorry I was just ranting but, I hope that helps :smile:
  • afbaka
    afbaka Posts: 7 Member
    My OB said that it was about 300 extra calories per day for baby that you have to consume, so to be safe, I put mine on Maintenance mode and added 300 calories to that manually. That seemed the safest option for me, but you may want to speak with your OB about it when you get the chance. :)
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    I am just now getting back to logging my food. I took a hiatus through my first trimester because my appetite was 100% different than it was before, I had so many food aversions, and a lot of my meals were coming back up from the morning sickness. I've got my goal set at 2,000 right now but I'm not being ultra-strict with it. I've pretty much been eating if I'm hungry and don't when I'm not hungry. I'm allowing my body to tell me when to feed it (for probably the first time in my adult life). I've gained about 8 lbs total so far, which averages out to 2 lbs per month (I am just over 16 weeks along now). Now that my appetite is closer to what it was before I got pregnant, I'm working on getting fruits and veggies back into my diet and not relying so much on the carbs (the only thing that seemed to sit well on my stomach in the first few months).
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I've got mine set to maintenance as well, which is 2300 + exercise cals (I'm very active). I'm 14 weeks and haven't gained anything so far, so it seems to be working. Next week is when I will increase my calories to start gaining a little. I'm still about 10 pounds overweight, so my doctor wants me to gain about 15 pounds as well, which averages out to about 300 extra calories per day from 15 weeks on.
  • rastakoa
    rastakoa Posts: 2 Member
    bryannakay wrote: »
    Hi! Congrats to you by the way!! I went to visit a nutritionist/dietician today at the clinic I am going to while pregnant. I am currently 195 pounds and 12 weeks pregnant. I have lost 2 pounds since being pregnant and the doctor told me that I am doing very well. She is expecting about 15 pound weight gain total for my pregnancy.....anyway...I set my goals at 1 pound loss and was at 1650. She said that is way too low. She put me at 1900 and 2000. She said any lower and I am not providing enough for the baby.

    You should contact your doctor and see if you could meet with a nutritionist as well. It was a great appointment for me!! Also, if you are planning on breastfeeding, after the baby is born, you will need to go up even more in calories just to maintain the nutrition and endurance for producing milk. She said most women are in "losing baby weight" mode when in reality, its still about the baby.

    Sorry I was just ranting but, I hope that helps :smile:

    Thank you for your post...ive lost quite a bit of weight in the past few years and recently found out i was pregnant, im trying not to eat over 1500 but excerise rougly an hour and a half a day resulting in burning 600 to 850 cals. I am getting a talking to by my husband who doesnt think im eating enough. I just dont want to get overweight again, but the fact that your nutritionist said it confirms it. So i will probably seek out a nutritionist in the area.

    Thank you again
    Sorry didnt mean to tell you my life story
  • cerimariegillett
    cerimariegillett Posts: 35 Member
    i'm also at 2000 calories a day, i've just started to do some fitness again as i've been feeling so rough, so starting light and having some extra calories on those days.