New Week,New Goals! Check in time!

Sorry,I didn't write the topic


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    This week I'm going to get back to basics... not today so much because it's my rest day and I have leftover lasagna from last night, lol.

    A couple of weeks ago, my husband commented that I look better now than I did when we got married in 2007. I was 140-145 then (my now goal weight), and I'm 157.4 now. That got me thinking that maybe I don't need to go that low in order to look and feel how I want to. As a result of that, I have been very lazy with my calories and haven't been making great food choices a lot of the time. Thus, this week's goal is to clean up my diet a little bit. Since summer is here with all the yummy produce, I can start making fresh salads for dinner again.. maybe that'll help!

    On a happy and encouraging note, my sister said that when she moves in with us she wants to start working out with me and is excited to learn to eat a little better. I'm rubbing off on my loved ones a little :smile:

    Have a spectacular week everyone!
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    This week I've eaten out once so far. I did pretty good at Red Robin today. I had a Gardenburger wrapped in lettuce with fries (only ate 1/2 of the fries). I had light lemonade to go with it.

    It's only Mon & I'm going out for lunch again tomorrow. I'm not sure where. Hopefully we'll go somewhere where there are enough healthy vegan choices (other than boring salad).

    My goal will be to walk away some of those calories should I go overboard. Also, I will order unsweetened iced tea instead of diet soda. I can't handle plain water in a restaurant--I think it tastes icky!!

    My weight has only fluctuated up 3 lbs & then goes back down. I'm learning how to maintain. It gets easier.

    Good luck to all this week!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    I decided the same thing about my goal. Originally I set my goal at 132,and upped it to 137. I think that's where I want to be,as when I dropped lower,some people were telling me I looked gaunt(even though it close to my max weight). I weigh in tonight,but my scales shows I'm 9 pounds away from goal. Finally,after losing over 40 pounds,someone last night asked me how much weight I've lost. It was the first person in all these months that even mentioned it. Guess it doesn't matter what others think,it's just that it's hard work losing to not have anyone notice. I haven't exercised in 3 days,cause still so busy,but WILL today.Hope everyone is having a great week. :smile:
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    You are doing so good at maintaining. I have been on maintenance before,but for some reason,I think it will be hard,once I get to goal,not to still be in the losing weight,train of thought and switch to eating more. Guess I will deal with that when I get there. Just getting closer. Good job.Evelyn.:smile: