Moms Into Fitness

KAA1982 Posts: 90 Member
Hey Ladies

Just thought I'd share a workout app I just found, and thought you may all like.

It's called Moms into Fitness and it has workouts for each trimester along with post pregnancy workouts. Just did Day 1 of the 2nd Trimester moderate toning and enjoyed it. Took about 20 min and can't wait to do the cardio tomorrow = )

Hope those who try it enjoy it.

Anyone else have apps they use for good pregnancy workouts?


  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Cool! I will have to check this one out! Thanks!
  • KAA1982
    KAA1982 Posts: 90 Member
    Apparently you get a link to workouts, but can only go to the like for free 6 times before you must buy the DVD set for $40.00. I'll
    probably make a cheat sheet so I can do it more than the 6 times. My legs are a bit sore today, which I like!

    Let me know what you think of it.