Any of the 494 members of this group still active? Just wanted to say "hey"!



  • sgoodell08
    sgoodell08 Posts: 4 Member
    I have never introduced myself to the group so here it goes. I'm a 43 year old father of 4 and husband to my amazing wife for 19 years. Over the years I have packed on 250lbs and I am really starting to feel it. I have tried nearly everything to lose weight and keep it off but always fail eventually. A year ago I decided to listen to my doctor and start the process of having gastric bypass surgery. I've now completed all of the counseling, testing, and requirements of the program so I'll be scheduling the surgery in the coming 6-8 weeks. I'm trying hard to lose as much weight as I can before the surgery by eating very healthy, mostly paleo. Has anyone here had the surgery? Any suggestions? I know some people look at the surgery as a quick fix but I don't think that I can get my life back without it. It won't fix everything but it will give me a jump start so that I can become more physically active.
  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello all!
    Yesterday I went to the doctor and she emphasized the fact that I needed to loose weight. I currently weigh 392 pounds, and I feel so unhappy.

    I have considered surgery - but I really feel like I could lose the weight if I really apply myself. I know what I need to do, but don't. I don't understand why I do this to myself.

    I am looking for help and support.
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Checking in again, gang, and greetings to all our new friends :) Since it's come up a few times in the thread, I'm happy to talk with anyone who is getting ready for/thinking about surgery. I had a gastric sleeve done in July of 2013, and lost about 100 lbs. in my first year. While I've kept close to that amount off for almost a year, I still have 125 more lbs to go and have gotten back into following the plan to the letter to help make that happen. While I've gone down 5 sizes and feel a lot better, need to be accountable for making it the rest of the way there.

  • lizzieollie502
    lizzieollie502 Posts: 18 Member
    If anyone is looking for a friend I could use the help I am 35 and I weigh 381 lbs and my doctor wants me to loose weight since I am pre-diabetic and pre-hypertension.
  • AmethystEFC
    AmethystEFC Posts: 140 Member
    *waving to everyone*

    Hello. I'm the same as many of you seem to be, on daily but not in groups. I'll make more of an effort to come in and catch up with everyone. The more friends on here, the better!

    Currently at 419 <eek!> but 23 down so far, so it's a start.

    Hope to see you all as we wander down this journey together :smile:
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    lillie917 wrote: »
    Hello all!
    Yesterday I went to the doctor and she emphasized the fact that I needed to loose weight. I currently weigh 392 pounds, and I feel so unhappy.

    I have considered surgery - but I really feel like I could lose the weight if I really apply myself. I know what I need to do, but don't. I don't understand why I do this to myself.

    I am looking for help and support.

    I'm here, new n willing to help!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    gahrahstah wrote: »
    I've been off and on the last 8 months. I was preparing for a gastric sleeve, lost 80 pounds with the diet and accountability to the doctor, but had problems near the end with the idea of permanently losing a large portion of my stomach. So, I canceled the surgery and over the last year have gained back the entire 80 pounds. I went from barely moving to walking around the block and hardly any arthritis pains in my knees. Now i'm in constant pain again and its so scary because I was able to feel the difference by gaining that amount in such a short time. So back to using MyFitnessPal to keep track of my eating. It makes me feel like a total failure but I can't give up because I have so much I want to do.

    I'm here, need to lose 200 n need your help!!! Gayle Minneapolis