Max 30 progress, obstacles, and strategies

troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
I just finished week 4 of Max 30. I had been hearing of Insanity for quite some being hooked by the idea that it is so challenging. At 44 years old I am constantly looking for ways to kick my own *kitten* and work outs I have not tried yet.
So to start, I max at 27 Cardo , 15 Tabata, 12 Sweat, 18 Tabata, and all the way through Friday Fight with lousy form and slow pace. OK, so time to pick up the pace and watch for form perfection. Week 2 is 28, 20, 23, 24, and all the way finish with perfect form but slow pace. Now I want to go at the same speed Shaun T is simulating for week 3.
Yay! week 3!! But uh oh, my lap top suddenly stops playing CDs (THANKS HP) and I have to travel that week so no use of home TV. OK time to think fast and make it up as I go. NO time for troubleshooting the hardware. I go to the fitness center at the hotel and get on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day that week trying to remember the weekly workout, intervals, and intensity. For Tabata I was able to do almost exactly the same with 20 seconds at a 5 minute mile and 10 seconds high dip using the grab bars resting in the up position. The other days I just did pyramids from 12 minute to 6 minute back to 12 with no rest.
On recovery and rest days (Sat and Sun) I went for slow jog/fast walk with the dog because it felt as though I was under the weather.
Now for the week 4. Cardio, Tabata Power, and Sweat Intervals, I made it all the way to the end with good form and speed. The second Tabata Power and Friday Fights I Maxed early (10) due to soreness in the thighs.
One problem is after Sweat Intervals during dinner I started seeing double for about 1 minute. I asked my wife and kids if my eyes looked ok and they just thought I was having a hot out from a hot bite of ghost chile. Yeah, four daughters(not two) two plates of dinner(not one) and two wives(nice to see two of her but I have to make eye contact with only one). After a minute they were all back to two daughters, one dinner and one wife. Anyone else experience double vision after work outs?
Resting pulse rate is now at 52 and I also dropped 8 lbs of non water weight in the last month. I must have miscalculated total calories consumed vs how much I was burning off. I will try increasing carb intake.
Has anyone else experiences substituting another workout for days or weeks and finding that it helps improve?
Thanks for reading all this.