Thinking about freedom...



  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    edited February 2015
    Excellent post! I really needed to read this. At this point in my journey I am scared to death to stop logging. It keeps me accountable. I still have the fear of regaining haunting me! I really do need and like the security the logging gives me. At 3 months out I can eat a bit more and have more choices! At this point I am scared to death to allow myself any sweets since pre-sleeve I could not stop at a bite or a "normal" portion. I might like it too much, so I choose to obstain at this time. I too feel free and better than I have in years thanks to the sleeve and the weightloss and agree the price for the security and accountability to pay for logging is worth paying.

    At 3 months out I was not even considering eating sugar--- only because (like you) I was scared of the consequences. What I have learned is on the occasions I have eaten off plan, I did not eat myself into oblivion by consuming sugar, but I certainly did not feel very well. I never used to be able to stop once I started (pre surgery) bt now I find myself more in tune with how food makes me feel and while I do still overeat sugary stuff on occasion, overall I am able to moderate it.

    Also, I am learning the power of focusing on what I DO want, instead of what I am afraid of. What we feed grows, so if I "feed" fear, it just keeps getting bigger. If instead, I remind myself that I am the one driving this car... I am the one making decisions and I am actively and daily choosing to commit to my health, I get more energy headed in that direction to achieve those goals.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Thaeda, what a great post.

    I look at it this way, I now have the freedom to go into ANY store and find clothes that fit! Freedom to go to the gym where before I would workout in my basement because I was afraid for any one to see how terrible I looked. Freedom to go to family events and not avoid them because I was too embarrassed how big I became. I may log everything, work out like I am having a torrid affair with the gym, but it has given me the freedom I really deserve.