2/12 Weigh-ins

Well I didn't lose this week. BUT I didn't gain either. I'm really hoping that TOM has me jacked up. This week I moved more than I have in previous weeks because I refused to let TOM hold me back. Not seeing a loss on the scale this morning really kicked me in the gut. I'm not just upset about it, I'm pissed! I will take this anger out on the treadmill and the elliptical! LOL.

How did everyone else do this week? If you gained or maintained, do you know why? Can you change or intensify something in your workout or in your diet? If you lost, can you keep that up?

Good luck to all of you and hopefully next week's weigh in wont piss me off!



  • Vaugirard15
    Vaugirard15 Posts: 111 Member
    That scale is a fickle beast. I usually swing up and down a few pounds, even if the trend is downward so one week (or two... and I've had months like this) isn't indicative of progress or lack thereof. I try to just focus on doing what I'm doing positively for my health and believe that, in the long run, that will be more important that the number... even if it means I don't get the rush of seeing the number go down.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,746 Member
    The scale did go up this week but I was excepting it up even more! I'm use getting back into exercising after none for a week! My goal is to get back to my maintence weight!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Still sitting on a plateau.... I will leave the scale for a week...I am heading south to find a golf course and partake in a couple rounds of golf. I will check in when I find some Wi-Fi.