June 3 - 9, 2013

preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
Hello my fellow Turbo Fire Hard Bodies!

Where are you all? Miss you Vini, Lucy, Jeni & Connie!

I did not press play at all last week and I was supposed to start Week 2 today...that didn't happen. I decided to take advantage of this sunny (dry) weather today and cut the grass. Our lawn was so high, it was up to my knees and my kids refused to play in it so I knew it had to get done. I didn't log it because it's a riding mower and I'm not actually exerting any sweat.

My kids' last day of school is tomorrow. I can't believe how fast their 2nd grade flew! Summer is fast approaching. I just wish for more "summer" weather as it is quite chilly here in Chi-town.

I got wait-listed again for the Medical Imaging program this Fall. So, instead of waiting around to apply again for next year, I decided to apply for the Medical Assistant program and I got accepted. I will be starting in late Aug. It's a 1 year program and I'll be done in Aug 2014.

I really need to get back to my workout schedule, The excuses just come out much more easily. Ho hum.

I saw a Diabetic Nutritionist today and am now Carb Counting. I was over in Carbs today because I just "had" to have not 1 but 2 of those Panera shortbread cookies. My body is so used to having lots of carbs that I'm trying to find something else to fill the void with something sweet and within my carb limits.

Anyway, sorry to ramble about things other than Turbo Fire.

How is everyone doing? Vini: How's Body Beast? How do you like it in comparison to CLX? Jeni: Is the lady downstairs still living there? Lucy: Let's do TF together. Connie: Where are you?

Hope you're all doing well! I miss hearing from you ladies!

Take care!


  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Woo, new thread!

    I haven't been doing TF much this summer. The lady downstairs is still there, and her work schedule is wackier than ever. Instead I've started jogging. I'm at a 11:30 mile right now, which is awesome considering about a month ago I was doing a 12:30 minute mile. I went to the beach this weekend and got a horrible sunburn on both of my shoulders, so I haven't even been jogging so far this week.

    I only have another couple of weeks to go before I have to stop working out due to my IVF stuff. One week from today I have to start taking my injectible meds.... yuck, yuck, yuck. I still don't know how I'm going to buck up the courage to poke myself in the stomach with a needle twice per day.

    I see you guys logging your exercise calories, so I know at least a few of you are keeping with it :)
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ladies, I know I know I said I'd check back sooner then later. I am so crazy sore! I am liking body beast, I would say it is harder the CLX. He really concentrates on one body part at a time for 40 min or 50 mins. So like today is 40 minutes legs. Yesterday was 50 mins of chest (25) then triceps (25). Little rest in between and lots of reps. I am pushing myself though! I am so sick of weighing the same or heavier that I just want some results. I am not to picky at this point just want to feel like I am doing something right. I mean I KNOW I am but I want to SEE that I am or hear ( looks like your lost weight) even if I haven't. Anyway that's my mini rant
    I have been busy the last few days watching my nephew. He is 10 months old so all 4 of them are keeping me hopping :) today is my hubby's bday and I am saving some carbs for ice cream cake. Lol, I have been doing good, for the most part the salt gets me every time we eat out or if we do hoagies( my sons favorite) dinner and a picnic. But I see others who don't seem to have any problem with it. Shrugs who knows.
    So glad to hear how you are doing Stel- Congrats! i hope you enjoy it! I know you can do this just keep trying you will beat the workout bug soon :) Jeni- I would never be able to inject myself, I'd have to have my mom or my hubby do it! I for sure couldn't watch or I'd be laying on the floor. Anyway it just doesn't sound like fun, sorry you have to go through it. How is you thyroid meds coming along? Got it figured out yet? Keep pushing yourselves ladies!
  • lucy_878
    lucy_878 Posts: 91 Member
    Ladies ladies ladies! Stel- very proud of you pursuing your academic goals. Jeni, I am keeping you and your hubby in my prayers for one or a few little precious babies! Vini, you are killing it with this strength training! Through it all we keep trying, and that means everything! There is a bright light at the end of all of our tunnels! Keep it up ladies!