Weekly Warrior Mini Goal Challenge 2/15 - 2/21 (2015)

Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
In the weekly Warrior Mini-Goal Challenge focus on your short term goals.

Focusing on one week at a time, when the big picture seems too overwhelming. Small changes can bring on big results!!

Choose one or more things you want to work on for just this week. Don't set it too high or unreachable!!

Please, make sure your week works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!

You can reach your main goal if you break it into small actionable steps. It could be as easy as 1-2-3!

1) Choose something you know you can do easily.
2) Add more difficult tasks to your plan.
3) These small steps will get you started, motivated & help build routine for long term success!!

Anyone interested in joining us for another week, or a first week, or a get back on track week?

Check in often, have a great week and do the best you can! B)<3



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Weekly Goals
    1. Water - 1 gallon 0/7
    2. Sleep - 9:30 pm 0/7
    3. Donations - fill 1 bag 0/5
    4. Veggies - daily 0/5

    Trying to keep it simple so I'm not overwhelmed or beating myself up and then build from there. ;)

    Here's to a good week for us all!
    Hearts <3
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Monday! Let's go!

    Hearts- thanks so much for getting us started. Your quote this week speaks to me thanks for that. Good goals. Be kind to yourself. Keep it simple as you say and add a little at a time.

    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log 4 days
    2. Green 3 days
    3. 3 days of exercise
    4. 60,000 steps
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks hearts for getting us started! Great goals and very wise to keep them both simple and attainable :)

    Last week was a crazy week for me in many ways , including havingbacstomach virus , but I'm feeling much better this week and thinking there should be less stress this week in other areas , so looking forward to getting back to focusing on my health goals.

    This week's goals are:
    1. Healthy food choices 6/7 days
    2. Drink 7-8 glasse of water 6/7 days
    3. Reduce calorie goal by 50 and stay in the green 6/7 days
    4. Exercise at least 2/7 days
    5. Meditate as needed to optimize emotional/spiritual health

    Here's to an awesome week of success for all of us in this month of love , which also includes showing love to ourselves. :)<3

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited February 2015
    seehe wrote: »
    Thanks hearts for getting us started! Great goals and very wise to keep them both simple and attainable :)

    Last week was a crazy week for me in many ways , including havingbacstomach virus , but I'm feeling much better this week and thinking there should be less stress this week in other areas , so looking forward to getting back to focusing on my health goals.

    This week's goals are:
    1. Healthy food choices 6/7 days
    2. Drink 7-8 glasse of water 6/7 days
    3. Reduce calorie goal by 50 and stay in the green 6/7 days
    4. Exercise at least 2/7 days
    5. Meditate as needed to optimize emotional/spiritual health

    Here's to an awesome week of success for all of us in this month of love , which also includes showing love to ourselves. :)<3


  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks for getting a new week going Hearts!

    1. Checkin - stop in once a day
    2. Log every thing as I go
    3. Get in 3 workouts - gotta start upping my activity.

    Here's to a good week everyone.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Warriors! <3

    Thanks Hearts! Awesome quotes!!

    I see marvelous goals my friends!!

    I did not do well last week at all--Putting it behind me and on to a new week. Gained 4 pounds :neutral_face:

    Have a good week!

    Mini Goals week 2/16 to 2/22:
    1.) Stay in green on calories
    2.) Get 6.5 or greater hours of sleep 5 days
    3.) Feb goal weight: >>>379 (start weight 388)

    1.) 0/7
    2.) 0/5
    3.) 0/9


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    seehe wrote: »
    Here's to an awesome week of success for all of us in this month of love , which also includes showing love to ourselves. :)<3

    Love this! Thanks! <3 (*) <3o:)
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    I always start he week with goals and then I don't follow through. I am so unmotivated right now it's frustrating. I know what I want. I know how to achieve it. I just can't seem to get myself to actually do what needs to be done!! :'(

    Like Mak. I'm going to keep my goals simple.

    1. Check in with the group at least 3 times during the week. 1/3
    2. Excessive 3 times. 1/3
    3. Drink more water
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    la_nanita wrote: »
    I always start he week with goals and then I don't follow through. I am so unmotivated right now it's frustrating. I know what I want. I know how to achieve it. I just can't seem to get myself to actually do what needs to be done!! :'(

    Like Mak. I'm going to keep my goals simple.

    1. Check in with the group at least 3 times during the week. 1/3
    2. Excessive 3 times. 1/3
    3. Drink more water

    Just curious ...is your 2nd one exercise 3 times or excessive 3 times.
    :p I hear ya...I'm sorta in that same spot. I know what I need to do, wanna do, where I wanna be and it seems there are hurdles and I can't seem to make it over them. But I will. Today was a good food day. :) Kept it simple.

    I think the key to starting back out of the gates is simple simple simple. Because simple when starting out is not so simple actually. Like working out, you miss a bit and it's harder then you go a few more times and it's easier because your muscles and your mind have prepared. I think our minds have to get to that point as well. Least that seems to be way it works for me.
  • Lost_it
    Lost_it Posts: 290 Member
    No goals for me the next 2 weeks as I will be in Hawaii. Leaving in the morning. Guess I do have a couple of goals I can do in Hawaii

    1) Enjoy holiday
    2) Eat lightly & drink lots of water
    3) Do lots of walking and sight seeing
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Lol. Hearts. Too funny. I guess my phone thinks that any exercise is excessive.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    la_nanita wrote: »
    I always start he week with goals and then I don't follow through. I am so unmotivated right now it's frustrating. I know what I want. I know how to achieve it. I just can't seem to get myself to actually do what needs to be done!! :'(
    I totally understand this statement friend. Just keep trying and refuse to give up. I know it is discouraging, but it is even more so if you throw in the towel. Good to see you here and continuing to fight. Eventually we will all win the war going on within ourselves. I have to believe this. Keep showing up and you will reach your goals.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Lost_it wrote: »
    No goals for me the next 2 weeks as I will be in Hawaii. Leaving in the morning. Guess I do have a couple of goals I can do in Hawaii

    1) Enjoy holiday
    2) Eat lightly & drink lots of water
    3) Do lots of walking and sight seeing

    Enjoy!! Hawaii has great fish!! So jealous! lol!
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Tuesday! The week is still young and we can make some good decisions.

    Susan- so sorry that last week was so crazy and that you were sick. good goals and you are off to a successful week. keep it going.

    Mak- very smart goals again this week. I know you can check in and log daily. I am with you in terms of getting that activity going. Good luck this week.

    Molly- very wise to put last week behind you. we just need to move forward and keep working on our healthy habits. so easy to stray so hard to get back on track but you are so worth it. Hope you can get some good sleep in.

    Lostit- Have fun in Hawaii and enjoy. when on vacation, I always remind myself to enjoy myself and be as active as possible. then I eat what I want but make sure that everything I eat is really worth it. no mindless eating. have a fun trip.

    Lananita- congrats on sticking with it. good idea to keep your goals simple. I too am struggling with the same issue of really trying to get motivated. keep on trying.
    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log 4 days
    2. Green 3 days
    3. 3 days of exercise
    4. 60,000 steps

    Monday check in
    1. 0/4
    2. 0/3
    3. 0/3
    4. 7,731/60,000

  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Everybody! Just realized that the somewhat long post I wrote Saturday got chopped down to "Happy Valentine's Day"... I went out of town to visit family (which is stressful). I didn't get much exercise in BUT I only went over 2x by somewhat meager amounts and the calories I did go over with were still good food choices. (That NEVER happens when i go our of town).

    Hearts- Love your quote
    - Seehe-Love the pic & glad you are feeling better!
    - LostIt- Aloha! Have a wonderful time!
    - Molly- Hope this is a great week for you! ; )

    To everyone else- Have a great week. I love the positive vibes between all you guys!

    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log everyday 2/7
    2. Exercise (not including walking) 4 days 0/7
    3. Take my vitamins daily 1/7
  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all!
    Hope you all are having a great day so far.

    1. Checkin - Tuesday check in
    2. Log every thing as I go - did good with logging and logging as I ate yesterday. Good Monday.
    3. Get in 3 workouts - Not yet. But planning one for today.
    Have a great one!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    la_nanita wrote: »
    Lol. Hearts. Too funny. I guess my phone thinks that any exercise is excessive.
    I like that...

    I was picturing you meant "eat in excess 0/3 the rest of the week would be within goal 0/4?" lol

    Have a wonderful Day My Strong Beautiful Lady Warriors...so very proud of each of You!!!

    Each one of us has such an impact on each other...one checks in, another can see the success of the other warrior or the struggle on something in their day. It's nice to know we're not the only one with a tough spot in our day at times! It's beautiful to see us all cheer one another on and be able to move on from our own tough days, hours, weeks, moment because of the support. ;)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Each one of us has such an impact on each other...one checks in, another can see the success of the other warrior or the struggle on something in their day. It's nice to know we're not the only one with a tough spot in our day at times! It's beautiful to see us all cheer one another on and be able to move on from our own tough days, hours, weeks, moment because of the support. ;)
    Thanks --so very true! Thanks for being here Everyone!! <3
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