


  • squidgysam
    squidgysam Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 33 from Glasgow, Scotland and mum to a 7 month old boy. Before I got pregnant I was a bit of a cardio bunny and my weight yo-yo'd between 140 and 154 which although not horrendous every pound shows when you are 5'4. I joined a bootcamp style class when my son was 14 weeks old and have got down from 182 to 153 - with about 14-16 pounds to go! Go back to work in 12 weeks full time so am worried about fitting everything in, although also kind of hoping to be at goal weight then too!

    Hi. You sound a bit like me. You sound like you are already well on track which I'm finding hard. You have had amaxing weight loss so far. Good luck. X
  • MarianneDarroch
    MarianneDarroch Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks Squidgysam, I guess now is the hard part as I get closer to goal the weight is coming off slower!

  • squidgysam
    squidgysam Posts: 10 Member
    Is there somewhere we log our weight for weigh-ins? X
  • Mrslynchh87
    Mrslynchh87 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Ladies! Hope you don't mind me joining :) I'm 28, 29 in July. A mammy of two beautiful children. I've a two and a Half year old daughter Called Érin and a 9 month old son called Seán óg. Married to my lovely husband 5 years this August, together for 9 years in June.. Been a heavy girl all my life, was at my heaviest after Sean at 16 stone 4 (I'm 5'1) but lost a little after, last week I started trying again.. Trying to go the slimming world weigh, but will keep track here too Just to keep track of what I'm eating etc.. Last Monday I was 222.2lbs! Weighed In this Monday after my first week and was 216.2lbs. Lost exactly 6lb!! Eeek!! Anyway sorry for the waffle lol x