Linking it all together



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    There is a different algorithm used, one is step based, and if the distance is correct, can be very accurate. The other is HR based, and is good for the non-step based stuff especially. May be close on the step-based too.

    But that wouldn't have any influence on exercise calorie syncing, as there are no exercise calories synced from Fitbit to MFP.

    Merely the daily total calorie burn, that's all.

    Now, if you manually log a workout on MFP, using the calorie burn that Fitbit said you did - obviously there would be no change, you just replaced 300 with 300.

    That is also totally unnecessary.

    If you picked a database entry in MFP that was close to the correct pace, and you did NOT enter in any calories, then that would be mighty odd for it to match that correctly.
    In fact the step based calculations for non-HR Fitbits has a better chance of matching the database entry, since they use the same formula.

    I'm not sure what you mean by recategorized.
    There is an entry for a workout synced over from MFP, and that should be specific too. That shows what replaced Fitbit's info for that block of time.
    And if you indeed got your calorie info from the Fitbit, you must have created an activity record, so that would be there too, showing calories and steps and distance for that block of time.
    Whereas the MFP synced workout would just be calories.

    The activity record is merely a view of the data specific for that time, instead of remaining buried in the daily stats.

    Trust me - nothing is happening different with your data than anyone else as regards syncing or overwriting or whatever.
    The issues with syncing in the first place are more based on account and app usage, not device.
  • kacox06
    Why does my fitbit and MFP never stay synced?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    kacox06 wrote: »
    Why does my fitbit and MFP never stay synced?

    Because if you use the app alot it has problems.

    You don't actually give enough description of your problem.
    Should start a new thread with actual description of exact issue you think is happening, or find one of several threads that are about issues.
  • satisfyingmyinnerfatkid
    Okay I'm all up in this jumble here and I think it will be a while before I sort it all out unfortunately because I must be thick headed.. or all of this is actually confusing ?

    Anyhow the question I have is.. what counts as a non-step workout?

    Whether I've used the Fitbit Flex or my Charge HR, I always get steps for elliptical, dancing (Just Dance), and hula hoop (all just not as many steps as I would expect) so since I always get less steps/credit than I expect should I log all of those activities separately?
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Okay I'm all up in this jumble here and I think it will be a while before I sort it all out unfortunately because I must be thick headed.. or all of this is actually confusing ?

    Anyhow the question I have is.. what counts as a non-step workout?

    Whether I've used the Fitbit Flex or my Charge HR, I always get steps for elliptical, dancing (Just Dance), and hula hoop (all just not as many steps as I would expect) so since I always get less steps/credit than I expect should I log all of those activities separately?

    I believe that you can probably trust your FitBit to log all those things accurately. I do Wii Zumba and it definitely gets that right, and Just Dance should be the same. I believe I've seen people say that it works fine with elliptical. The hula hoop is something I haven't tried (maybe I should break out the old Wii balance board and test it) but I'm guessing it would work, particularly with the Charge HR if it gets your heart rate into the right range.

    Non-step workouts are things like weight lifting, yoga and bicycling.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Non-step based - you actually aren't taking steps.

    Just because the device may log steps, and likely not accurately either, doesn't mean the formula for calorie burn applies because they were not steps walking or running.

    Stair master as example.
    The amount of impact looks like a small light step, not much impact at all. So the distance assigned would be small, and therefore the pace would be small.
    Not much calorie burn figured.

    But I'm betting it's a whole lot harder doing that stair master then walking the supposed pace on a treadmill.

    Now, that only applies to the devices that are NON-HR type, where all calorie burn is based on steps.

    Yours isn't, therefore doesn't apply.

    Might read through this.