Fitbit/Pedometer Question

So I have been cleared to do treadmill at gym and in two more weeks I will be 6 wks post op and then should be cleared to do weights as well as cardio. My question for those of you that wear Fitbit or Jawbone or any activity you remove the device while you're exercising? Because wouldn't you essentially get "double credit" if you log in what kind of exercise you do in addition to accumulating more steps at the same time? I keep track of my food entries, Fitbit steps and exercise on LoseIt! Just because I have used that for over a year now. But I type in what exercise I do and you get a certain deduction in calories burned for that particular activity. It doesn't seem accurate that I would also get to add up more steps to my daily steps. Confused, help!


  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    I wear mine while exercisinyg. I log the activity in MFP, and have the accounts synched. No double counting at all. I do loop my fitbit around my underwear. While on the elliptical, it otherwise doesn't calculate appropriately. Same for grocery shopping when I'm cart pushing. When MFP talks to fitbit, it just tracks the activity, not the steps.
  • seaghdha1072
    seaghdha1072 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks so much for the clarification!
  • rscpjim
    rscpjim Posts: 72 Member
    I do not wear my my fit bit thing to the gym as at they YMCA they have their own thing for that. I come here and log my time into my swimming. When I ride my Bike I use the Cylometer app that also automatically downloads here as well. Now when I am walking all over the place I wear my fit tracker..
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I keep my fitbit in my pocket when I exercise. Before you enter exercise, the fitbit adjustment is already there. When you put in exercise, it adjusts the fitbit number so there is no double counting.
  • seaghdha1072
    seaghdha1072 Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    When you add activity on mfp with a fit bit, it asks for the time so it doesn't duplicate. I usually just left the fitbit count my activity.
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    I wear it all the time- it takes out your excercise time to there's no double dipping.