New to Group

vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
I wanted to share my birth story, but I didn't want to put it in the still-expecting group. Everything turned out great, but I don't want to give anyone in that group any pre-delivery jitters that they don't already have.

I am 37 years old and have two older boys. Both of them were born by c-section, and the first one was an emergency c-section. I had really hoped for a VBAC, and my doctor gave me a very low chance of a successful vbac. I scheduled a c-section for last Wednesday, May 29 because they were worried about the size of the baby if I went any longer than that. The doctor had agreed with very strict parameters the ways he would let me labor naturally before that day. Luckily, I never went into labor. If I had, I probably wouldn't be here, and probably, neither would my beautiful baby boy. My uterus was so stretched out and scarred from my two previous pregnancies that it would not have been able to handle the stress of full contractions. My surgeon is excellent. His average time for c-section from start to close is 12 minutes, 14 seconds. I was in well over an hour! They did end up taking measures to ensure I won't get pregnant again for my safety, but that really only added 10 minutes. A week later, this is all really starting to hit me. My baby boy is truly a miracle!

I will have extra recovery time, and I won't be able to get back to exercise as quickly as I'd hoped, but I am alive and healthy and so is Jacob. My activity right now is very limited. I am only allowed to walk for a short time and I am even only allowed to walk up stairs as necessary.


  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Welcome and congratulations! I'm so happy the 2 of you are okay... definately a miracle. I had a C-section with my first and my recovery was pretty terrible... not nearly as bad as yours, but not pretty.... my doctor was not so great and my incision didn't heal well. I actually didn't start to try to lose weight or work-out until he was 9 months old, but that wasn't because of recovery, it was because I didn't get motivated and I was at my highest weight ever. At least you can watch your calories at maintenance, even if you're EBF (just add back your calories). Definately rest for now and start some slow walks with your boys when you can and keep building slow and steady.
    Best of luck and congratulations again!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey there - I wondered what your birth story was, and it's probably a good idea to share it here instead! Glad it all went (relatively) well and that you are recovering with a healthy baby! Congratulations!