Interesting experiment

dbvirago Posts: 33 Member
Before I got the fitbit, on days when the weather was bad, I would just walk laps around my house, going up and down stairs, and get in 20-30 minutes that way. Usually, I would read a book while I was doing it. I was expecting to need to modify that behavior with the FB as I didn't expect to be able to hold the book in the FB hand and get accurate results.

So I was testing the accuracy of the FB in general, pacing off 100 steps in my home. I did this twice walking normally and the FB behaved as expected, within 3% accuracy (If my count was even accurate.)

Then I did the same route 4 times, twice with a book in my off hand and twice with the book in my FB hand. Again, when the book was in my off hand, it behaved as expected with accurate results. But when the book was in my FB hand, with little to no movement of that wrist in my mind, the FB actually was slightly high both times by 5% or so.

The takeaway for me is I can keep reading my book if I choose to walk inside.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You bet. Steps is measured by impact, not by swinging arms.
    Fitbit is merely trying to read impact despite swinging, or non-swinging, arms.