Need advice bulking so far

Crogirl_22 Posts: 40 Member
Hey guys,

since March 2013 I have started a slow bulking process and in between had some draw backs when I was trying to eat vegan for two months or upping cals too fast. From time to time I had times when I had less rest and were totally nervous all the time, always pushing myself through my determined mind to get through the workout and day.The last two months I am totally stressed out throughout the day and recognising bad energy or more no power to focus and push me as I wish. So I have been thinking should I take a time out and more, were my gains so far efficient or do I look more fat than anything? Should I do a cut and start over? I am so freaking out. I cannnot bear it to dont give 100% or even starting over.... Please give me some advice

Thank you a lot :)


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hey I don't have too much advice for you, but bulking is hard, especially mentally. You have to be 100% in or you will not see the results you desire. It is very easy to spin your wheels and go back and forth. How much did you gain during total while you were bulking? Did your lifts go up?

    My advice would be to eat at maintenance for a while and go from there, you seem pretty slim based on your photos.
    Maybe the other ladies can chime in as well.

    Good luck!
  • Crogirl_22
    Crogirl_22 Posts: 40 Member
    So my weight stays longer at the same and then it goes up around maybe 200 gr or 500 gr, some day the scale says I got even a kg but few days later I lost the kg gain. From May last year till now I got 4-5 kg.Yes I have strength gains, but also slower, as I think i am to much stressy and nervous with how can I do every day everything at the exact same time and freaking me out that I have to have same meal amounts always with same amount of carbs etc. Im totally unrelaxed with everything and have bad sleep, as i tried to work out at around 4-5 am before going to class and in the evening I was always looking at the watch thinking *kitten* i have to sleep right now. Do anyone of you have every day a strict amount of meals etc? Like not combining to much carbs with to much fats etc and eating in the evening more that ... Im just unpatient and trying to do everything perfect with planning, so kinda meal planning makes me stressed, as if i sleep longer one day i have fewer meals and then the macro splitting starts again.. Like after training only few from today on i train in the evening so should i eat more fats througout the day then to spare my carbs for pre shake post shake and post meal? You can see on the 24 th of Feb how I usually ate when training in the morning or after waking up in general .
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sounds like you are overcomplicating things to be honest. Some days I would go over on fats, under on protein, over on carbs... in the end, while macros are important, staying in a calorie surplus is king. Macros do not have to be perfect, and don't fear fats... fat is a good thing while bulking. Carb sparing, pre/post workout food ratios are again, overcomplicating things unnecessarily. Don't focus on the minor details.
    Because of your schedule, you might want to consider meal prep on weekends or replacement shakes to hit your cal goals. Sleep is very important when you are training too, especially when bulking.
    Bulking and training should not be this stressful, sounds like you need to take a step back and prioritize your goals. I know @JoRocka leads a very busy life in particular, and still manages to find balance. She might be able to give you more insight.
  • Crogirl_22
    Crogirl_22 Posts: 40 Member
    yeees you are right I should calm down a little .. thanks :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    did I read that right? March 2013?

    Why have you been slow bulking for 2 years??

    What are you're specific goals right now at this point? Do you have an end game? I don't have a clear sense of that from you posts.

    I'd be probably a little up tight if I spend 2 years gaining as well.

    (lol thanks for the tag in- yes I'm quiet busy- I want to do ALL THE THINGS ALL THE TIME!!!)
    And yes- sometimes- something has to give.

    As for foods- no- I'm not particlarly specific with it- I do the best I can and realize- average trend lines trump anything else. I have goals for my macros- I eat in a rather "clean" fashion if you want to give some arbitrary names (by clean I mean- I eat a lot of chicken- steak and veggies- rounded out with chocolate and ice cream- I'll reach for ice cream before bread- but I do eat a lot of popcorn)

    My diary is free and open.

    I make it a point- in order to be prepared for the week- and it's easy now in the winter- to bulk cook- I use my crock pot weekly- and I just load it all up in mason jars and I'm set for the week. If I don't- I am flustered and I spend money (stressor for me) and I wind up with weird food things. So preparedness will go a long way. I work 3 jobs- I keep a tight schedule and I have to be willing to let something go if I miss a time line (late from work- wont' make the full workout- option A.- show up- do the best you can- have a stressed workout- option B- be irritated- but make the most of it- go home- prep some food- go for a run- do a body weight workout- regroup- and on to the next thing.

    Sleep is the biggest struggle for busy people (it seems- and yes that's a little blanket- but us Type A folk- sleep tends to suffer) and when you are gaining- and training- you NEED it. Do not ever under value the impact of proper rest. (do as I say not as I do please LOL )

    I eat scrambled eggs with bacon at night a lot- gives me variety- rather than eating the same dish for lunch and dinner- although- honestly- I'd do it if I didn't want eggs- I don't mind.

    Secondly- know when to reach for something that will ACTUALLY Provide you energy.

    snickers trumps broccoli for a preworkout.

    So don't worry so much about it- do the best you can- but really as long as you are pointed in the right direction it's good enough. The more specific you get with goals- the more specific you need to get with diet and food and workouts- but for 90% of the time- pointing yourself in the right direction and allowing yourself to be okay with the fact it's not perfect is really the best answer.

    Hopefully that helps. if you have more question- don't hesitate to ask- we are here for you!
  • Crogirl_22
    Crogirl_22 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey, Thanks I just realized my mistake... From Dec 2013 to March 2014 I had a diet, as I started with Fitness in April 2013, but struggled with my eating until december, when I became constitent in everything. I was never fatty but eating everything and a lot without getting my weight above 50 kg, thought I should do a diet first to get into everything, as I for sure had a little lower back fat and lower stomach fat, on my picture you can see my diet result and my results till now. My problem is I stress myself out very fast, so I have been trying to get more relaxed about things, so we will see.
  • Crogirl_22
    Crogirl_22 Posts: 40 Member
    My goal is bulking until a certain amount of muscle mass and gained strength, cutting makes sense for me after putting a serious amount of muscles on. ;-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Crogirl_22 wrote: »
    My goal is bulking until a certain amount of muscle mass and gained strength, cutting makes sense for me after putting a serious amount of muscles on. ;-)

    Then bulk- don't focus on anything other than eating and training and living life and resting.

    Dont' let the little voice talk to you- just say- I'm doing the path- this is my path and I'm doing it.

    There comes a point in time with training and long term goals that you MUST have some blinders on- you MUST block out lots of outside things and internal ones. The only thing that exists is the goal- and doing it- it takes time- so it's easy to get distracted- or worked up that it's not happening fast enough- or both.

    But focus on each task daily- and rest- and doing you're other obligations. Everything else you have to find a way to let it go and remind yourself- this is the goal- and this is the path to achieve it.

    it takes confidence and commitment.

    You got it. :D