Celebrate good times come on! 6/5

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Since my birthday passed and I know a lot of you have celebrations this summer why not take a challenge and see how we view celebrations and it is NOT a sabatoge on our new lifestyle!

Let me know your thoughts.


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I had to rethink a lot about celebrations, get togethers, and cookouts, ect. and it's still tough because I have the little part of my brain that still says "No, no, no" and initiates the guilt trip or the "I give up" mentality. The little part of my brain that does that is the one that has been conditioned by all the diets that I've done in the past because the diets (or the staff at the diet place, I should say) tell you no, you can't, if it's not on the list you can't have it (I even had one place that I was at, I went to the staff member before my birthday and told them that my parents take me out to dinner for my birthday and we go to a mexican restaurant, I asked them HOW I could eat at the restaurant and stay within the rules of the plan, do you know what they told me??? That I can't and if I did eat at the restaurant I would gain weight because there was nothing there on my plan and I couldn't even have birthday cake, it's not allowed on the plan.....)

    I try to remember that moderation is the key, think before you order, even check the menu out online and decide what you want: I've gotten to the point that I have reliable, general standby items that I can get at most restaurants (like if I go to an italian restaurant, I can get grilled chicken with tomato sauce and cheese... no pasta unless they offer GF.... and a salad, no croutons, dressing on the side, I can get this at ANY italian restaurants and it's kinda like having chicken parm with out the breading), preplan for the day (ie if you know you're going to this celebration and you know you're going to splurge, try to moderate the food for the rest of the day so that way the splurge isn't too bad), and if you over do it then it's not time to get mad at yourself, just say "Hey it happened (I had a great time) now starting at the next meal, back on track and keep going" once I stopped beating myself up for screwing up I actually discovered that in 99% of the situations I'm in I actually had it in better control than I thought for example, my friend invited me over for a cook out over Labor Day weekend (I was invited for Memorial Day this year too, but was travelling) instead of having a burger, lots of chips, lots of potato salad, ect. when I thought back about it that I did have those things but I was actually more moderate about it: I had a burger, a hand full of chips, one spoonful of potato salad, and a spoonful of coleslaw, all and all not too bad.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I think the article bonked a cultural more that has creeped into our society right on its head. And WarriorCupCake pointed out exactly what some of that cultural more does to us. I think it also may be why that book "French girls don't diet" is so popular. We all have to self-educate ourselves towards a healthy relationship with food that is enjoyable and sustainable in all situations. Popular media spends way too much time screaming at us about the wrong and right way to eat so that if a person uses that as their education basis, they spin like a weathervane.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I see protein, fat and fiber on the "bread" table. I have no problems with this.

    I do have a bit of a problem not logging everything right now. Even yesterday was utterly controlled.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    ... you no, you can't, if it's not on the list you can't have it (I even had one place that I was at, I went to the staff member before my birthday and told them that my parents take me out to dinner for my birthday and we go to a mexican restaurant, I asked them HOW I could eat at the restaurant and stay within the rules of the plan, do you know what they told me??? That I can't and if I did eat at the restaurant I would gain weight because there was nothing there on my plan and I couldn't even have birthday cake, it's not allowed on the plan.....)

    WHAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO birthday?!?!?!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    ... you no, you can't, if it's not on the list you can't have it (I even had one place that I was at, I went to the staff member before my birthday and told them that my parents take me out to dinner for my birthday and we go to a mexican restaurant, I asked them HOW I could eat at the restaurant and stay within the rules of the plan, do you know what they told me??? That I can't and if I did eat at the restaurant I would gain weight because there was nothing there on my plan and I couldn't even have birthday cake, it's not allowed on the plan.....)

    WHAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO birthday?!?!?!
    Yup! And guess what I did...... I blew it all, I had my favorite meal (steak chimi with everything) at the Mexican restaurant and my mom made strawberry shortcake (this was before I was diagnosed with the wheat allergy) for my birthday cake (she knew I was on a diet, so she picked something light and of course, strawberries are my absolute favorite food in the whole wide world!) and I lied like a rug to the diet place about it (this was when I discovered that you CAN cheat on a diet and not gain, unfortunately I didn't learn that an occasional cheat is okay, making it a daily habit because you're starving isn't)