
On the same lines of struggling with food/work outs on the weekends, another thing is the booze I consume on the weekends. I'll admit that my friends and I still drink and party like we are in college during the summer. My bf and his buddies have a shore house that I go to almost every weekend and the boys literally start drinking with breakfast (I don't do this, just trying to paint the picture of the environment I am in almost every summer weekend!). The easiest, cheapest beverage choice is beer....and shots of Fireball. :drinker: :embarassed:

The other weekend I decided to just order vodka and soda with lime at the bars to try to save on cals, plus it is refreshing. I can definitely buy my own booze for the weekend and mostly stick to it (unless I am shamelessly playing flip cup and beer pong drining keg beer).

Any good drink suggestions that are better than beer or anything sugary?

(You are probably starting to connect the dots on why weekends are really hard for me, I pretty much hang out in a frat house all weekend)


  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    I would trade your weekends for insane calorie intake :)

    Red wine is a good choice.
    Opt for lite beer? Like you already said, avoid sugar as much as possible and just count the calories.

    Also, if you are eating during or after drinking, try to get in some protein and veggies.

    You won't be young and partying like a college kid forever, so enjoy!
  • You won't be young and partying like a college kid forever, so enjoy!

    So true, which is why I don't beat myself up TOO much over it :)

    Good call on eating alot of veggies and protein too...
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    my go-to is gin/vodka with diet tonic with lots of lime or a white wine.
  • Sunshine4209
    Sunshine4209 Posts: 7 Member
    haha, I feel this is exactly why I haven't lost my last 10 pounds. I like red wine or champagne. The worst for me is that I always get more hungry when I do drink, do you guys?
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    Ha, of course! drunken munchies kill me.
  • Sunshine - when I drink like a frat boy, I EAT like a frat boy. It's the late night food that gets me. Pizza and cheese fries everywhere - how do you say no at 3am after bars?! So, yes, I do get hungier when I am drinking, at least I THINK I am hungrier.

    Weekend drinking is def why I have not lost weight (and gained some) :/