Brand New Flex Owner

katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
Hello everyone!

I opened up my new Fitbit Flex today (very excited) and noticed it counted steps when I was placing it into the wrist band. I'm a little concerned with the accuracy since this my very first impression of the Flex.

Also, are there any other Fitbit users worried that the clasp will come undone and you'll lose your $100 gadget? Is there a sure-fire way to keep the thing on your wrist? Has anyone lost theirs, right off their wrist? What did you do?

So many concerns with this thing but still excited to try it out.

Thanks-Katie :)


  • Earthgirl51
    Earthgirl51 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Katie. I have had my flex for about two months. I give it a 15% accuracy variable. I have seen it increase steps with excessive arm movement with percussion (i.e. clapping). I just walk more to even it out. I have not had any problems with it coming off. It seems secure. I just have to say I love mine. It gives the incentive I need to get off my behind and move. Purely psychological. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.
  • Denny_the_Wench
    Denny_the_Wench Posts: 6 Member
    likewise - had mine for a month now and the clip seems pretty decent. You can buy extra bands and clips pretty reasonably on ebay. For the step count in the settings you can adjust the sensitivity and if you put it on your non-dominant arm it does seem to even out somewhat through the day - I'm still struggling a bit with matching up with what the MFP exercise says I've burned to what the fitbit does to what the gym machines do but as the fitbit comes in the middle I go with that normally!
  • Denny_the_Wench
    Denny_the_Wench Posts: 6 Member
    Oh... and when you hit a target and it vibrates at you then that is a real buzz! first time it happened I was in a sports store with my daughter and I jumped and yelled out - the store people through I was potty!