3/4 Day 17 Wednesday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
  Hello, everyone! It is the middle of the week. Some people are happy because of this and others are depressed that the week is only half over....Well we are going to work on something a little bit different today. A lot of you are probably like me when it comes to my self image. To be honest, I don’t have a positive self and it is something that I have been working on for a long time. Having a Positive self image allows you to love yourself and when you love yourself you are a lot more happier in your life.
  Today’s Challenge: Take some paper and make 2 lists. For the first one write 5 things you like about yourself. For the second go to a mirror and write 5 things that you see in the mirror that you like.
  I mean your face. Not the curtains, furniture, or other things in the background. (I know some people like to be Smarta#####) I want you to write 5 thing that you like about YOU. Not what others think or say but YOU.


  • jcherry1004
    jcherry1004 Posts: 4 Member
    Great idea! Thanks :)
  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    Hmmm Great challenge!
  • Good challenge. I needed the reminder of what is good about me. B)
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    I can't find any paper in my house (that's sad isn't it) so I will write mine here. :)

    I like myself because:
    1. I have tons of patience.
    2. I can make witty puns.
    3. I worked very hard and at great cost to further my education.
    4. I can forgive easily.
    5. I genuinely like most people.

    In the mirror I see:
    1. Pretty eyes
    2. A nice butt :smiley:
    3. Healthy, shiny hair
    4. Long fingernails (it used to be hard to grow them out)
    5. Stronger shoulders than last month

    With so much I'm trying to improve/fix/change, it's nice to be reminded of the things that are already good about me :)

    Thanks for the challenge!
  • sweetkimrn
    sweetkimrn Posts: 44 Member
    I like myself because:
    1. I have a laid-back personality
    2. I am tender hearted
    3. My sense of humor
    4. I am very independent
    5. I am very goal oriented and work hard to reach my goals

    In the mirror I like:
    1. My eyes
    2. My smile
    3. My long, toned legs
    4. My hair is shiny and healthy
    5. My chest

    This was kind of difficult! I tend to be too hard hard on myself sometimes but it's nice to stop and notice the positive.
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    I like myself because:
    1. I am creative
    2. I'm funny
    3. I'm loyal
    4. love to have fun
    5. loves making up stuff

    In the Mirror:
    1. I love my haircut!
    2. I like my brown eyes.
    3. My smile is very big
    4. Great complexion!
    5. Long eyelashes!

    This was harder than I thought. I have to think a good long while before I had a list!