Constantly hungry (vent)

nyssaretter Posts: 9 Member
I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle with weight gain. Obviously, I HAVE to gain weight, but it looks like I'm on track to gain another bajillion pounds. I have a constant, gnawing hunger that just won't go away! I just made myself a 600+ calorie milkshake with an avocado, a banana, chocolate ice cream, milk and cocoa powder, trying to keep myself full until dinner time. And I'M STILL HUNGRY.
I am so sick of feeling constantly hungry. I'm eating better than I ever have before, nutrition-wise, but I am just always hungry. I didn't get back up to pre-pregnancy weight until 15 weeks, and since then, I'm gained 12 lbs. I work out 6 days a week- cardio, strength, yoga. I'm in better shape now than before I got pregnant! It's just so frustrating knowing that I'll likely end this pregnancy close to 200lbs (and I'd just lost 40 pounds before I got pregnant.)


  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Kinda sounds like me. I lost 40 lbs before I got pregnant and I gained 50 lbs with all 3 of my boys. I'm trying to be conscious of what I eat, but I still seem to gain the weight. I've gained 10 lbs and I'm 15 weeks. I'm going to be overjoyed if I don't go over 200 lbs this time!!! Just keep your exercise level up and keep eating healthy. That's all you can do. I'm constantly hungry too and I find that if I snack between meals, its not so bad....
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I have the hunger sometimes too, what helps me is keeping a pot of tea around, I love decaf green tea, peppermint or rooibos vanilla or chai best :) I just drink a lot of those between and with my meals and it keeps me full longer. Also keep lots of healthy snacks around like fruits/veggies and greek yogurt, maybe some nuts and sometimes pretzel sticks. Frozen grapes are really great snacks too, they are like candies and you can't eat them that fast because they're frozen :)

    Good luck, you sound like you're really healthy and the working out will help you for sure with the labor and after the baby's here you'll work off the extra weight in no time :)