International Tabletop Day

pwatol Posts: 326 Member
I'm seriously considering hosting a Tabletop Day gathering at my house this year, and you know what that means: choosing food to make and games to play. I'm thinking about just putting out a taco bar and having folks bring sides and byob. That way I can graze on taco salad without worrying too much about going off plan. There will probably be kids as well as adults, and who doesn't love tacos? Any other suggestions for food?

And more importantly: good family friendly games? :)


  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    That's awesome; sounds like a good idea to me. Everyone loves tacos! Although I will admit taco's don't sound board game friendly - lettuce and cheese over your game cards? Maybe a no tacos at the game table rule would need to be in effect.

    'Munchkin' is family friendly - I play that with both my nephews (the youngest is 11, but he first played it when he was 9), and my sister & mother in law, and they never normally play games. It also doesn't last overly long so people don't get bored with it.
  • e_elizb
    e_elizb Posts: 62 Member
    You could do a salad bar? Also easy for people to pick and choose their favorite things. Or you could just do a general potluck and make sure they dish you bring is health so you know you'll have something to eat?

    Ticket to Ride

    Kids will probably love Quelf
  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    A massive crockpot of Chili is good for gaming days, or we do Papa Murphy's a lot. King of Tokyo is basic and fun for kids. The 8 yr old picked it up no problem and the younger kids are happy to "help" an adult. Thing 1 also likes Ticket to Ride which is more involved, and could probably manage Carcasone. But I don't think we'll be trying Catan or Agricola for a while. I have seen a bunch of "Junior" versions but haven't had the opportunity to try them.
  • pwatol
    pwatol Posts: 326 Member
    Nice. I've already got a few of those: 3 flavors of Fluxx and the basic Munchkin.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    We usually do a burger bar. A more contained meal that people could eat with one hand and play with another. Check out the Dice Tower's Top Tens for some great family games. I second Tsuro. Our family favorites are Sheriff of Notthingham, Wits and Wagers, and Citadels. Doodle Quest, Sleeping Queens, and Hay That's My Fish! are great for the young and old in our family.
  • kruuTahn
    kruuTahn Posts: 55 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if I bring anything other than pizza to D&D this weekend, my character will be murdered by DM and party alike.

    But good luck to you! :smile: