Took 5 Steps Back

Hello ladies! I am extremely frustrated. I was doing well and then hit a bunch of snow days here in Viriginia and got lazy. I am getting in a hole and am geting unmotivated and down on my self. Help! Lets keep each other accountable!


  • nala3177
    nala3177 Posts: 64 Member
    Ugh I hear ya with the snow! I'm in nj and it's been an awful winter. it's so unmotivating and depressing. Just start doing something. After 10 minutes you'll just keep least it works for me. And having everyone here helps too...You got this!
  • crunchienugget
    crunchienugget Posts: 54 Member
    I know the feeling-lost 3 pounds this week-then decided I should celebrate that with food and wine!