10k training



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I took up running at the age of 41, am a month away from age 44 and just ran my 4th & 5th half-marathons this past weekend (special race event - I don't normally run halves like that!). Set a PR on the Saturday race, and the Sunday race was faster than the first half I ever ran.

    You have plenty of time to get faster, improve, and simply be awesome at whatever distance you want to run. :)

    I think 10K is a fun distance. Enjoy the experience!
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 36. I didn't start running till 34, and have 3 halves under my belt, and looking forward to ultras. You don't turn into a pumkin at 35. People run their first mrathon at 50 all the time. It's not a young sport. Be afraid of the masters at your races. Be very afraid. Some of them have decades of runnig experience on you. But by all means, get started now, because you can.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I have a friend on my mfp friends who is 50 and just completed her first Half! (She actually also kicked my butt on my first finish time and I'm half her age lol) Never too late!. All the best with your 10k :)