New mom for the 3rd time

Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
okay I have had 3 babies you think I would have this weight loss down and everything. I so don't. We are hoping this will be our last baby so I want to loss the weight from 3 kids. I am almost 2 week since having baby. I had a c-section so exercise is a no-no for right now. I am starting to get to the point where I can move around pretty easily. So hopefully soon I can be making nutritious healthy meals instead of just something really fast so I can go sit down. If you have any tips for how to get healthy and raise three young children one who has severe autism. I am all ears!


  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    Congrats on your new baby! Right now all I can say is heathy choices until you are all healed. You probably know this, and might be easier said then done but I have seen somewhere that diet can really have a good effect on an autistic child.....something about removing process foods and flours which is a good thing to remove from your own diet. Good luck mama!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    We have tried dietary change it really didn't help much and for what she would eat it was very expensive. Next week meals are much healthier. So that is a step in the right direction!
  • sarahelizaaaa
    sarahelizaaaa Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on the new baby! I know everyone is different, but this is what worked for me. First, I waited until my son was like 10 months before I started w/ any real exercise. I was afraid of my milk supply dropping (maybe that was an excuse), but anyways, I waited a while, but watched what I ate during that time. After I had my son, I had to totally change my mindset about exercise. Pre-child, I would work out for 45 min to a hour and a half because that's what I thought I had to do. Once I had a child and had limited time, I really focused on cleaning up my diet and started working out for 25 min and found success in that. I focused on weights and limited my cardio. I ended up borrowing T-25 from my co-worker, so I had some guidance and really loved the program. Good luck!