weightloss and periods

LO1421 Posts: 41 Member
Hi Ladies, need some insight.
I haven't had my period for 8 months now. The last one I had was after another failed fertility treatment. I have recently lost 19 lbs (go me!) from changing my diet and exercise to a more PCOS friendly lifestyle. Saturday night I was spotting as if I was going to get my period. Sunday NOTHING and today NOTHING! I feel like I'm going to get it but I'm not sure. All of my periods in the past 5 years have been medically induced so I don't really know what it is like to have it on my own. Anyone go through this or have any advice?


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Without any real details, it's hard to give advice, but you might want to look into Inositol and perhaps Vitex. There are several posts about it here, so read through them and see if they interest you. Some of use have been able to regain our periods from either or both, and both will help increase your fertility
  • Journeywithyou
    Journeywithyou Posts: 49 Member
    My experience is with weight loss I regulate my cycles. I see it very possible. You might want to consider speaking with your doc about options of intervention to reg your cycles more reg. I only mention this because the longer you go without the thicker you lining will get and it increases the risk of uterine cancer. It could also contribute to a very uncomfortable period.